you're not alone

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Thank you for reading this and I know it had some scenes where suicided was thought off but I wanted to make sure if your ever struggling you are not alone, you don't have to be afraid to speak out and ask for help. Asking for help doesn't make you weak instead it makes you strong. 

Sometimes suicidal people want to die simply because they believe they have no reason to continue living. It may sound simple, but the fact that you're alive and your heart is still beating and pumping blood around your body can be reason enough to keep living. Many depressed people are struggling because they're unhappy with their life and work and cannot find a specific life purpose.

But, in reality, you don't need a purpose or reason for being alive. However, if you are alive, you still have the opportunity to do whatever you want in life. Although you may not have awakened to a specific life mission yet, while your heart is still beating you have time to explore what your life purpose could be and find happiness. 

I am here if you need to talk, you are not alone. 

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