meeting the boys

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Opening the shop I have my son with me helping, I asked if he wanted to spend the day with his grandparents but he wanted to help me, I don't mind him coming to work with me, as we have a big enough area for him to play at the front of the shop, we have a gate surrounding the area with cameras so I have no problems. Parking my truck I head inside its not too early but closer to mid day, I have a short day and then I can go park and play a couple of games which ever he decides, opening the back room I let Harley wonder around knowing he has food in the fridge if he gets hungry knowing he will, he has taken a slight interest in car but he's more interested in sports right now, I have been thinking about signing him up for weekend clubs to keep him busy but I haven't had time with playing receptionist and mechanic I haven't found time, maybe my mother can sign him up for it. That reminds me I need a receptionist to do the front desk work like greeting the customers and handling the phone, I been that busy I haven't had time, pushing everything I need to do at the back on my brain, I slide under a car hearing my son play close by, fixing another exhaust I hear a bunch of chatting I pull myself from under the car and see my son playing ball with Callie and five blokes and looking at them I recognise them from the photo on Callie fridge, its the lads she fights with, knowing she's here for her car I go back to work knowing my son and Callie is in safe hands, I cant help feel jealous at how quick my son is growing up and spending time with Callie, I know he has taken a liking to her as he questions my cooking every time and says its not the same as Callie cookings, I cant believe he's already choosing her over his own father

"Wheres your father little man?" I hear Callie asking but as my head pops up I see my son pointing over to me while he's kicking the ball to one of the lads, watching my son I have a smile on my face as he seems to be enjoying himself, looking at Callie who's walk over alone I cant help but see her smile has appeared, I know thats cause the boys are here but there still pain in her eyes, she still wears her ring round the dog tags, theres so many things I want to ask but ill wait till she's alone as maybe offering the job to work here might keep her busy, I don't think the boys are staying long while she is, and maybe if she's accept we could get close for me to help her with the pain she's carrying.

"hey, you don't mind the lads helping me do you" I shake my head at her question, I can already see they are harmless as they play with my son, like myself my son is good at reading people, he wouldn't play with people he doesn't trust and I trust my sons judgement. As I watch her wave the lads over two of them stay and carry on playing with my son which I appreciate as it scares everyone else off knowing there big lads, even I wouldn't mess with them, one looks like he could swallow me whole and I'm grateful he stayed with my son. Introducing each other I get the eye from who Callie introduce as Jacob, I know he's curious how we know each other and I can see he's very protective over Callie. Watching Callie leave and walk to her car I didn't realise Jacob stayed and is eyeing me up, did he notice me watch Callie leave? yep.

"how you know Callie? she's had enough heartbreak to last both of your life time so she doesn't need you hurting her if thats your plan" if it was his intent to scare me, he has been successful as I wouldn't dream on hurting her, I knew she could take me down on her own but after seeing these guys now, I wouldn't dream of it.

"We met on the plane and started chatting, we met a couple of times, I seen she was working on her car and offered her to work on it here" I say being nothing but truthful as I'm not about to get on anyone bad side knowing she has five huge guys being over protective for her and a brother I haven't met. Nodding his head to the answer he walks off leaving me alone to finish the car I was just on.

Finishing the car I was just working on I head to the front desk but not before looking for me son who's still playing with two of the lads that came in with Callie, all three of them o them look like there having a laugh, instead of getting in the way I finish the paper work off and begin the search for a receptionist someone who knows what they are doing with only a couple of days of training, I have been really busy later and I need someone who can catch on pretty quickly. Setting up the information online jotting down all the information they would need to apply for, I need someone who knows a couple bits about cars as having someone who knows nothing about car is going to be harder to train, having a couple of minute to spare I search for weekend club seeing a couple come on the screen, theres so many. Maybe baseball and soccer could do for him as I know he's taken a lot of interest in soccer as he's playing it right now with the two lads and how he's taken interest in baseball on telly when he watches it with his grandad. Printing the information off I fold it in my back pocket ready to have the conversation later about what he thinks, I don't mind having him here learning about cars but I would like him to get out there and have fun, I seen the smile on his face when we had a car in the garage that needs washing, my kid loves the water but maybe playing with kids his own age he would have more fun.

Waving Callie bye I see the way she interacts with my son giving him a high five on the way out, my son has not only taken a liking into her but he loves her around, it's adorable watching him with Callie, I never realise how much he misses a mother figure, as Callie knees down to talk to my son he lends in and whispers something to his ear before he comes running over to me, we both watch Callie go before I turn to him wondering what Callie whispers too him
"she promise to play soccer with me if I stop talking to strangers" smiling as my son explains what she whispers I cant help but smile as she taken it upon herself to be there for my son making sure he stopped talking to strangers. It's going to hurt him though when she stop coming to see him. Shaking my head I lead Harley out the shop before locking up ready to head to the park using the remaining sun shine to play soccer with him knowing he's growing up way to quick for me, before I know it ill be sending him away to college which I'm not ready for, why does he have to grow up so quick, what would I do when he wants to move away, I still have eight years to make the most of it before he goes away to college or travel the world. My son is my everything.

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