Slowly moving on

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Callie POV

Kissing Matt I wasn't sure what to think, I shouldn't of kissed him, now I'm not sure what to do I didn't mean to tag him along in my baggage, but kissing him felt different there was definitely a spark there when we kissed, I don't deny he's cute and all however I can't go ahead with something new when I haven't confronted the past, Kai is all I think about and how he we was perfect for each other, he was my other half and I feel like I hurt Kai name by kissing another guy, I still remember the first time me and Kai kissed, the timing of the kiss wasn't perfect but the kiss it self was amazing...


Finally on the way back to base I can finally get some shut eye knowing I have at least a little lie in tomorrow morning, sitting on the bumpy ride back I feel every bump we go over I'm going to have bruises not only on my arms and legs but also on my bum. On the way back I keep looking around we have heard news over the radio that someone wanting to start something but we couldn't be too sure as its war no one wants our army on there soil, seeing the base in the far distance I have a smile, not only have I been stationed her with my platoon but kai team is here for another week before going back home, myself and kai have been talking to each other, we get along like a house on fire, if I didn't love my job too much I would have invited him back to where I'm staying but unfortunately I can't. Passing the gate I'm on the first out the truck and stretching my legs that nearly went asleep on the ride back, but I cant say the same for my arse, waiting for Jacob to get off the truck I see kai walking up to me with a smile 

"hey you "I hear him say giving me a old arm hug but pulling away when my platoon climb out the truck, these five can scare anyone away like all my old flings, how can anyone get laid when I have these watching my back twenty four seven, its nice to have five overprotective team members or more like brothers watching my back, smiling to kai I know he wants to say something but he doesn't, I didn't think I would ever think about dating someone in the services but could never turn down a man in uniform, got to admit you cant go wrong with men in firemen or police uniform but men in army uniform is the cutest. 

Standing in the group we are all chatting away with each other enjoying the company of everyone, theres not many people left at base as most have gone home or are on mission but as we about head inside theres an explosive by the main gate, with us all running to the main gate I spot a car on fire but before I could reaction fire power is going off, I don't have enough time to hit the deck before kai pushing me out the way taking the bullet that was suppose to be for me, getting the wind knocked out of me by kai push Im quickly looking for him and seeing him lay there hurt but as I get to him I see he's awake and aware

"oh thank the lord your good" I say once I finished looking him over knowing the bullet didn't go past his armour he's wearing the lucky bastard, but I still own him for pushing me out the way and the evil grin on his face knows it too, the idiot saves me from the bullet and now would want a favour. Slapping kai shoulder I give him a hand to get up but instead of climbing to his feet he pulls me down on top of him in front of everyone, lending closer to my lips, I know the boys know we talk and they have already disappeared after seeing I'm ok 

"a kiss for your h...." before he has time to finish his sentence our lips have connected i'm just gad he's ok and it didn't knock him out apart from knocking him on his arse. Kissing kai I don't want to stop but as our lips break we stare into each other eyes knowing what we go is every going to be just a fling, smiling to myself I finally climb to feet before helping kai up, as I walk away he slaps my arse giving me a wink instead of giving him a reaction I smile and let him play hard to get. 

-end of flashback-

Two years in the army before I meet Kai, but it took a tour together for us to kiss and an act of terrorism where he risked himself to protect me how heroic of him, I'm sure he wanted a story to tell our children when we was older but looking at the future now I don't think I have it in me to move on without hurting his memory. Six years together we have more memories to cherish then I would have thought, every time we could see each other we took the time and make sure it was memorable, we lived life to the fullest and now living without Kai I'm glad we did, he had a wonderful life and never missed an opportunity to take advantage of the time. From the day of the kissed he made it his mission to make sure I never got hurt when we was together on tour and boy did he keep that promise, I didn't enjoy him tossing me too the floor that day but he saved my arse and that day he walked away with my heart, since then we was unstoppable and in love. 

Trying not to over think the kiss I leave it be he's apologises but its also my fault, a part of me wanted it too happen, I had an amazing time with him and his son the other day getting ice cream, he's the cutest boy I know and he just makes me want children one day. I know I have to move on from kai but a part of me thinks it too soon, kai would want me to move on and still live my life but its not as easy as everything I do reminds me off him. I made a promise to him that day I had my platoon about strangers and he kept it like I kept my promise, I have always kept my promises and theres not chance I would leave a ten year old hanging, I like Harley he's an interesting kid, a smart one. however from the time I spent with him I know he wants a mother figure in his life I see the way his eyes light up when he sees me and how he talks about me and his father, it wasn't hard to know what he's doing, unfortunately I'm not ready to be in a relationship or to be a mother I'm not sure if matt knows what his son doing but I'm sure he know soon, I'm curious as where his mother actually is, haley hasn't asked any questions and I don't see no wedding band on his finger or photos of her, never mind its not my business. 

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