a smile

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Moving Callie car after the paint job I cant help but admire it as its one beast, she has done an amazing job with the car, first looking at it I didn't think it was possible but now I cant believe she has done it, the heartache that came with it was all worth it I bet from looking at it, Callie should be proud. Finishing with the last job of the morning I don't look forward to training the new receptionist I hired last week I think her name was Ellie, its her first day today and I need her to pick it quickly, we have a lot of cars coming to us to repair and fix next week and I need someone sorting though the week we have and what ever spare time I have not in the garage but if I hire Callie maybe it should give me a little free time and David can study more. As I'm thinking about Callie she turns up alone this time, I remember overhearing the boys was going back but I didn't think that was this soon, shaking the conversation out my head I watch as Callie eyes lit up looking at her car.

"It looks better with a splash of colour" Callie says walking over to me and I have to agree, it looks liked a piece of scrap but now looking at it, it looks completely different, choosing a dark red look makes it looks good, I wonder if she be down for agreeing to work here and rebuilding old cars for customers as looking at her work now I cant let her slips though my fingers, she would bring a whole new set of customers if they seen her work.

"it sure does, whats next for you?" I ask waiting to ask her to work here as from what I seen she does nothing else but buys car and build them up, I haven't seen her around town doing anything else apart from jogging and hearing about her night in the bar with her boys, everyone heard about that night where she got the bar singing and dancing. Looking at Callie I know she's thinking about everything as she doesn't have another car to work on, giving her a moment to think I'm ready to offer a job, well thats if she take it.

"if you're not sure, I would like to hire you. Looking at the car it once was and now I know you be great working here, we could look into repairing old cars if thats what your into?"I ask not wanting to let her move on from here, I already know from one of her boys that she left the army, the day on the plane was her last day, she didn't rejoin for another tour, I didn't get much apart from that she lost someone and I'm guessing it was her boyfriend or fiancé with the ring around her neck. I couldn't imagine losing someone so close and her working keeps her mind busy, I have heard Storie about ex services members losing there way and I don't want to see Callie go through the same.

"sure why not, it could be fun" hearing those words I have massive smile on my face knowing Callie agreed to work for me but before I can say anything else I spot my new hire walking in and head towards her ready to start showing her everything, this is going to be long afternoon if she cant pick this up as quickly as it was just as hard when we didn't have one, we was a small business just starting out and now we get busier each week, with Callie work and what she can do I know she fit in and bring a new set of customers wanting her to rebuild old cars.

Spending the afternoon with the new receptionist Ellie I have shown her the most important parts of the job and what to expect, fortunately she picked it up quickly and looked like she enjoys it, I'm hoping she does as I really need someone to take the job, I was never good with taking phone calls and the paperwork. Standing behind Ellie watching her work I spoke my son but before he spots me he runs up to Callie with a smile, I cant believe I'm slowly being replaced by my own son, but seeing the smile on my sons face I know he's happy. Watching my son and Callie, I see Callie smile and I cant believe it, my son actually got her to smile, she hasn't changed facial expression since she turned up here and now a smile has appeared on her face, I guess my son has the charm. As they walk over the deal they made come to mind about the ice cream and suddenly I'm not sure I want my son spending alone time with Callie 

"daddy you joining us for ice cream?" I hear my son and before I agree I look at Callie who's still smiling, does she want me to join, wait I'm over thinking this. I'm happy my son is the reason for Callie smile, nodding my head I tell them to wait outside while I finish up with Ellie, she has done a good job so far and I'll show her the rest tomorrow.

Leaving Ellie to pack her things I close the garage leaving the shop open before making my way to join Callie and my son for ice cream, I'm sure shocked at how quick Harley took a liking to her, well what's not to like about her but he's never taken a liking to any female that quicker, caused by his mother leaving. Walking the distance Haley is in between us holding both our hands wanting to swing up

"Up.... again" laughing we do exactly what Haley wants pleasing him, I enjoy seeing him having a laugh as-well as seeing Callie smile, when I looked in Callie eyes at the garage she seems to be letting go bit by bit, it's nice to see a little light back in Callie eyes, she's slowly coming out and changing. Reaching the ice cream shop Haley is first in the shop looking at all the ice cream they have on show, it's amaze me how big his eyes went when he walked in 

"Chocolate dad" nodding at his decision I look at Callie waiting for her order but she's still looking at the menu, lost in how many decision they have, looking at Callie she looks like a child stuck for choice and it's adorable 

"I'll have the mint choc chip" placing all our orders I pay after telling Callie to put her money away, it's cute how she thinks I'll let her pay for my son. Taking our ice cream we slowly walk back to the garage enjoying each other company, walking together I can't believe how much of family we look alike, rubbing my sons head I smile to him trying to hold my laughter at his face, how does one get ice cream all over his face, his mouth is big enough.

It's been a couple of days since the three of us went on our ice cream date and Callie hasn't said a word about it, I can tell she has also took a liking to my son, he has come every day after school to the garage to see Callie, I'm a little jealous he comes to see her but I can share. Today hasn't been the busiest and I have just finished the last car and all I have to do now is wash a couple of cars, I hate washing the cars but lucky me Callie has agreed to help. Filling two buckets of water I take them to the car ready to finish today and head home, no one wants to spend there evening cleaning, it's why I use paper plates at the garage, easier. 

"Come on Callie, the car isn't going to clean itself" I yell towards Callie as she comes round the corner throwing a cloth at my face which is almost forgivable, shaking my head we both get started both wanting to finish this. Using the soapy water wasting the car I don't see Callie till she has the hose in her hands giving me a evil look, now I have an instant regret asking her to help now, looking at her I prepare to duck as she points it towards me  

"Don't you dare" I say but she turns it on socking me completely from top to bottom, with nothing to lose I grab the water and throw it Callie way socking her so I'm not alone.

Throwing water at each other I hold my hands up, too bad I don't have a white flag, as the water throwing ends I stand up looking at Callie who still has the hose in her hands, slowly approaching Callie I put my hands on the hose but what I didn't realise was how close we was, I'm close enough to hear her heavy breathing, looking into her eyes I lend forward closing the distance, closing my eyes our lips touch I place my fingers on Callie cheek pushing a piece of hair around her ear. Pulling away i look into Callie eyes seeing hurt and betrayal in them, I feel guilty 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to" I apologies hoping nothing has changed between us, I didn't mean to cross the boundaries between us but I don't regret the kiss

"It's fine" I hear her say but I know enough women to know that when women say there fine, they are not, nodding to her answer I watch her walk away, I don't have to press to know the answer behind her answer, I seen the look in her eyes when we pulled away she feels like she betrayed her fiancé and I'm to blame for that. A couple of days before today we were getting close and having a laugh, she was letting her guard down bit by bit and I was there being her shoulder to listen on. I just want to see her smile.

Blind to loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें