boys are back

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Callie pov

Walking though my front door after the jog I just had I know there's only one place I need to go right now and thats for a shower, I stink of sweat which I could smell from a mile away, I ran harder this morning trying to beat my time which is getting impossible to beat as I push myself. Stripping down I walk straight into the shower letting the Luke warm water run down my body needing it a lot more then I thought, turning the water up a little higher I stand under neath the shower head silent letting the water run down my face. Smelling a lot better then I did half an hour ago i'm now dressed and ready to get my hands dirty again sorting my car out, matt did warn me they be other people there which I don't mind as long as its not the silence. Starting my car I let it warm up a little before I get a move on not wanting to drive when the inside of the car isn't warm, i'm used to colder weather but as long as I have heat I'm going to take advantage of it, finally on the road I listen to the radio humming to the tunes as I drive trying not to tap my finger needing to stay focus on the road.

Reaching the garage I park round the back next to matts truck I don't see why someone would need a truck as a car, my little car is plenty for me. Walking round the front I skip the reception desk and though the double doors where I see my car sat there waiting for me, I can't believe he's letting me work on my car here after all he knows nothing too personal about me or my life in the army. He only knows what I told him on the plane but I didn't intend to see him again so small world I say, looking around the garage I don't spot matt but another mechanic working on a car, finished looking around, my mouth dropped open and drool dripping out as this is something different. I start work on my car knowing it needs a whole lot of time and attention with it only me but once I have finished the engine, swapping the part I would have more time on under the car like the exhaust thats not looking good. When I first bought the car I knew it be a challenge and the owner knew it but I needed something to push me, I can't sit around and do nothing for the rest of my life, I'm just glad I had a platform for myself as other retired veteran don't.

"I didn't know he hired females now?" knowing the sentence is aimed at me I don't move, the high pitch voice female judging me for working like how high and mighty of you. shaking my head at her comment I carry on working knowing she still beside me, tapping her overpriced shoes on the floor, I hate people like that and if I was at home I would of already knocked a bitch out but I'm not. Moving to stand in front of her I see I have about three inches taller then her and move muscle, looking her up and down I see nothing but failed plastic surgery and wonder who's bitch this is as having a conversation with her is killing my brain cells. 

"still hasn't" the only two words I say to her letting her know I don't work here, rolling my eyes in front of her I go back to work trying to ignore the women but not easy when she stood there still tapping that shoe of her that is annoying me.

Someone needs to give her some attention so she's away from me but when I look away for a couple of seconds she's gone but I can still hear her voice and there's no way I'm hearing things, I'm not that crazy. 

"I'm looking for someone I was told they was here?" Knowing that wasn't in my head I lift myself up and find the voice, I know that voice as I have waited weeks to hear it, looking around I spot the boys stood with the women from earlier trying her best to flirt with them and thats a sight for saw eyes, I think I just throw up in my mouth. Running up to Jacob I barge past the women with the voice and jump in his arms hugging him, there all in uniform which brings up memories but I'm grateful they come to see me first before anywhere else. 

"damn shortly, have you got smaller" Jacob say laughing ignoring the women who was just there which can't be helped as she storms off mumming something under neath her breath, never mind.

Hugging each boy I show them the way to my car I been working on hoping while there here they can help with a couple of things. Watching them look around I didn't realise how much I have missed them, it's been too long since I have seen them and I can't wait to spend what ever time with them, I know they don't always have the time to see me but I plan to make it worth it as I stand with them, I am going to miss them when they get deployed again. Standing around talking about cars and fixing a couple of bits I call it a day and go home wanting a shower before we all go out for some late food, none of us are the fancy type, a diner would suit us nicely. Climbing in my car with Jacob in the passenger seat, Blake in the back seat I start driving back to mine with Ryan, Chris and AJ in the car next to us following back to my house. I cant explain the feeling having them here with me, I have missed them more then I know. 

"My mother invited us all for a barbecue on our final day, you coming or are you too busy to hang with us"? I hear Jacob saying smirking at this remark before looking at Blake in the back seat who try's his hardest not to laugh, shaking my head I actually wouldn't mind going to Jacob for a barbecue it be like the old days where we all went when we had a break. I know I only recently seen his parents but I cant say no to his father cooking, that man can cook a mean barbecue. Not taking my eyes off the road we finally reach my apartment and I'm lucky I hid all my comfort food or the boys would have took it from me with a blink from the eye, there sneaky when they want to. Pulling up we all climb out just in time as the rest of the boys pull up and are already climbing out, I'm not sharing my bed, I have a sofa and a spare bedroom. Unlocking my front door I watch as Ryan walks in and heads straight for the fridge like predicted, that boy has no boundaries at all, shaking my head I show them around before jumping in the shower ready for our evening out for food, we would order in and chill but its better if I take them out, my sofa isn't that big for all us. One by one we all freshen up with a shower and changed our clothes, I have a pair of skinny jeans on and a loose fitting top but looking at the boys there dressed in t-shirts that show how much muscle they all have, why do they make me look so small, I stick out like a saw thumb. Walking to the diner so we all could have a drink I'm excited to have a catch up, it seems like forever since I last seem them but in reality it hasn't even been that long, I know they cant talk about any mission I wasn't on but we can still talk about life, who's kicking whose arse and whose there new member in there platoon. I really have missed these guys. 

Blind to loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora