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Getting that phone call of a unknown number from my son that he walked off and ended at someone house I got worried straight away and went though the garage hoping it was a prank call but the second later he's telling me a address he's at and I begin to wonder how he got over there and who has him now, he only told me he was safe not who he was with, what if its some creep or his mother. Picking up my truck keys I waste no time disappearing and rushing to the house hoping that he's ok, I didn't even realise it was raining he's going to be in so much trouble when he gets home. Racing to the house hoping he's off I spot Callie's car but I also spot another car on jacks near it, is that another of her cars. Knocking on the door Callie opens it in a white top and shorts but I have no time goggling her as she steps out the way I glance over her house spotting my son sat at the counter eating food she prepared, I know she didn't have to do this for my son. 

Following Callie to the kitchen I take a seat next to my son ready to leave when he's finished but before I say anything she slides me a plate and who am I too say no to food. Eating in silence I wonder what it would be like to have a family, a mother for Harley but his is a dead beat not wanting to be in our lives. As I'm eating I notice Callie clothes begin to stick to her and I can't help my eyes wonder over her body as it shows off everything you could know, she definitely works out but as my eyes linger a photo on the fridge catches my eye, its a photo of her and the men she served with, she looks happy in the photo. Knowing my son has already asked about everything I don't bring the topic up, I want to know but I don't want to pry too much. My son is a nosy little child and he would of already asked the questions that I want to ask but me asking them again will only bring up memories thats she's not ready to talk about.

"Thank you Callie, are you single?" chocking on my water by my sons question I didn't realise how straight forward he can but and I'm not the only one shocked by the question, even Callie doesn't know how to answer the question that is being asked, but I am curious if she is as I would love to get to know her. Sitting there Callie doesn't answer the question straight away instead of tidying up before turning to my son with a sad look in her eyes, there a story behind her eyes about the question my son asked, I wonder if he didn't make it home.

"are you asking for yourself little man as I'm afraid I'm too old for you, I bet there's a girl in your school who you like" dodging the question I know she's hurting by the question and I can't believe the answer she gave my son, I'm just thankful she never said something like I'm old enough to be your mother as that would give him other ideas and I wouldn't stop him but with the hurt she has, I give my son I gentle kick under the table shaking my head. She can't move on when she hasn't forgiven herself, it's written all over her face as how much she blames herself, wanting to help I stop myself, I don't want to overstep. Grabbing my coat I make my way to the door my son follows as he gives Callie a quick hug before apologising, I taught him to read the room and he knows he over step, he's smart for a ten year old. 

Climbing in the car we both sit in silence listening to the radio I have to make a quick pit stop to the garage needing to shut the shop before heading home, my son didn't give me a chance as he had me so worried, ill be having grey hair before I know it with him. Making it to the shop I leave my truck running knowing its going to be a quick five seconds, in and out before I climb back in the truck wanting to get home and him in a shower, I'm not sure how long he's been in the rain but I'm thankful Callie got him inside and a warm towel wrapped around him, but now its time for a hot shower when we get home, I wish he had another loving parent so I didn't have to be the good cop and bad cop, there's so much he's missing from not having a mother but I can't force her to be apart of his life as she needed to choice for self but she ended up walking out, at least I have my parents by my side helping when I need them. Pulling up on the drive Harley runs inside knowing now we are alone we have a one on one but that kid has other ideas as he runs off upstairs, I hope he's getting a shower, staying downstairs I hear the shower and take a seat not sure how to tell a ten year old off and then being the good cop, my parents would know what to do. Turning the television on I find a movie wanting to chill after he's done, I know there's popcorn in the house somewhere, looking though each cupboard I finally find it hiding on the top self away from my mother eye, she's always spoiling the child and they eat all the sweet stuff without me. Hearing him come running down the stairs in a fresh set of pj I look at him

"you know you shouldn't off ran off or asked a personal question. Haven't I told you enough about stranger danger" I say needing to have this talk before I press play, even I need some relaxing time before another day off work. Looking at my son all I need to hear is that I'm sorry and wont do it again and then we can watch, I know he's at the age where he's curious about everything and that he wants a mother but he can't just decide that she's the right fit. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too, but Callie is nice, she made us dinner and is into cars" nodding my head to my sons words I know I'm not getting anything better then that so instead of pressing I click play on the remote and we sit with popcorn watching a movie but his word place around in my head, she is nice, she's perfect but I know she's hurting and needs to figure her own life out before we barge into her life well thats a little late as my son has already made himself at home in her house. I know she be into cars as I reckon she got into it though the army and if she was stopping for good I would off offered her a job to keep her busy but could we work together without me goggling her or standing by her hand. I have heard its not alway easy coming from the army and settling down in town, they come home with mental scars and some come home without a problem but everyone is different but looking at Callie I know she's battling something  and I just want to let her know I would be there ready to catch her when she's ready. 

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