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Callie pov

Coming to the end of two weeks has been the best two weeks of my life since leaving the army and now we are heading to Jacobs Parents later today for the barbecue tomorrow, it has been so long since I have let loose and had a good time, the boys know just how to do it. I don't think i'm going to ever be ready to say goodbye to them when the time comes, as when the time comes the silence will return that has slowly been killing inside, I don't want to be alone. Getting dressed in gym clothes I look forward to working out, its been a while since I hit the gym with myself enjoying the outside too much, waiting for the boys I sit on the outside steps enjoying the cars drive pass, listening to the outside has always calmed me more then I like to admit.

"come on angel face, I could do with a work out" I hear Jacob saying tabbing my shoulder as he walks down the steps carrying two water bottles, taking a water from his hands we start the drive to the gym needing to exercise the energy I have inside me. Driving down the street I start humming to the music as the boys look out the window, we are almost there ready to hit something or each other, I love a good spar as much as the next person but I couldn't stop thinking about the sparring match I had with kai


Standing in the ring I look at my other half the man i'm going to marry ready to have a sparring match, the last time this happen he took me down with a evil grin on his face, I hate when he's as competitive as me, he always liked to win but as I stand in front of him i'm ready to taken him down, even if I have to fight dirty, I want to win this. Slowly moving forward I put my hands up ready to strike, I don't want to hurt my other half but i'm not losing this, if I win this I get to use it as bragging rights knowing he will never live this down. Punching with my right I watch as he dodges it, he knows my moves just like I know his, battling each other weekly for years we tend to know everything about each other but I have a coupe tricks up my sleeve. Left hook, right hook I throw my jabs slowly moving forward wanting his to strike back even though I know he favours his right side like myself.

"is that all you got princess?" rolling my eyes at kai comment I know he's trying to get a raise out of me but its not going to help, I'm like a bottle of water, calm when she shake it and I remain calm knowing he's not getting inside my head, winking at kai we carry on circling each other wanting one another to strike. We don't always flirt as we fight but when we are having a sparring match we have a little fun trying to take each other down.

"you haven't seen anything yet b" I say finishing as the last word before striking the lower abs knowing under the t-shirt he is wearing is nothing but toned rock solid abs which I have loved, his body is amazing, theres not an ounce of fat on him making cuddling him uncomfortable but theres other positions to cuddle like myself being the small spoon. Landing a coupe of punches on him I'm feeling good and maybe a little cocky but as I get ahead of myself I feel a jab to my shoulder, I left myself open and kai knows it as he's smiling but I'm not about to let that happen. Looking him up and down I try to find his weakness but as Im looking at him I know I'm his weakness and step forward bracing myself for what Im about to do.

Hooking my leg around kai's I push myself into his chest using his as a crash mat as we hit the floor, we both end up falling but lucky me I had a comfy landing as I look down to see kai under me with a cheeky grin on his face, I don't think he minded me using his body as a crash mat but I wasn't hitting the floor like he did but it would of been funny to see him kiss the floor, I could of got a post card on his travels. While I was thinking kai takes the opportunity and twist our bodies so now im on the bottom how he likes it, with a smile I lend into him getting close to his lips but as I kiss him I kick him off me and walking away leaving him alone laying on the mat with a awkward situation, never though someone could get turned on playing around on the floor.

"you fight dirty princess" I hear being shouted but I cant help but grin knowing I finally won a match even if I did fight dirty but he cant blame me as I'm going to use everything I can to win and if thats using his weakness of my body against him I will.

-end of flashback-

Hitting the gym hard I can barely feel my legs, they have gone to jelly knowing I did a hardcore workout knowing I haven't been to the gym in weeks, I should have gone easy but I never thought about it. The boys even hit the gym hard after the week and half they had of chilling and drinking beer, not forgetting the junk food we have all eaten over the week, I thought I put on a pound or two on. Leaving the gym sweating I rush back home in need of a shower, I only have one shower so I forced the boys to shower at the gym while I go home and get ready for the car ride to Jacob parents, I know teresa and paul have missed us all spending time there so she's down for a surprise seeing us all. Making it home in record time even with my body aching I head for a quick shower cleaning myself up before putting a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top on, I have already packed my bag so I just have to wait for the boys to get back. Whipping us some travel food I hear the front door open and close again, I don't need to turn around to know the boys are back and already making a noise in my apartment, there aren't the quietest when entering a building

"you boys ready?" I ask finishing the food and wrapping it up ready to the car ride, listening to the bags been thrown around I know there all ready just waiting on me to finish cooking which I don't mind. Tubbing the food I grab my bag and make my way to the two cars sitting outside my apartment, Blake and Aj have already agreed to drive while I shouted shotgun, I must of seen a few annoyed expression as theres no way I'm sitting in the back, I need a window and a airbag seat not trusting anyones driving apart from my own, ill admit its not too bad but I don't trust them behind a while. Throwing my bag in the boot I'm ready and already in my seat I have got Blake as the driver which is better then Aj, that man is ruthless when driving and doesn't like a back seat driver which I can be sometime, I even have more road rage then anyone, with Blake driving I could get some sleep.

Waking up I'm being told we are almost there before I get the chance to ask the question which is no shocked as I'm not known for being patient, rubbing my eyes I adjust to where I am with my body aching from how I was sleeping, I knew sleeping in the car would only make my body ache more, moving around I cant wait to get out the car and stretch my legs feeling the ground under my feet, it feels like I been in the car forever. Seeing Jacob parents house in view I start to get excited as I can finally get out the car where I cant feel my bottom anymore, as soon as the car comes to a stop I'm first out the car and stretching my little legs, it feels come to feel the wind hitting my face and the smell of fresh air as it wasn't the same from the window as on the drive up all I could smell from cow shit well It was someone shit. Grabbing my bag from the boot I head inside greeted teresa and Paul as I walk in before placing my bag in the room I'm staying in while I'm here, it be nice to relax tonight with movies and popcorn before we have the barbecue tomorrow and a bonfire to end it, we always have the perfect ending to a good two weeks.

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