Saving Julia Part 1

Depuis le début

"I swear to God, if you do anything to my son!!" I screamed, then earning another smack on my other cheek, causing more blood to pour. My vision started to get more blurry, I didn't understand what was going on.

"Oh, poor Julia. Your precious Seto Kaiba is getting what he deserves." I tried to steady my breathing as Keith squatted down and spoke to my face. I didn't want him or my son to get hurt at all. "He murdered my son Joshua, and seeing the love of his life in pain and suffering, he's going to know what we're going through now. All because of him, you're getting beaten." He told me while I swallowed my pride, I wanted this to be over. I didn't know what to do.

"Leave them alone!!" I cried out. "Stop hurting me! This is not my fault at all, Joshua threated to kill me!" I pleaded, only to heard chuckles from all 3 men. "Seriously! Joshua put a knife on my neck and almost cut my neck open!" 

"Do you want to know why he did that?" One of the twins asked as I shook my head. "You took Preston away from him; away from us. So now, we're torturing you. We want both you and Seto Kaiba to learn a lesson." 

My chest ached more, especially since I was able to see Seto's car stop so quickly in front of the dock.

I blacked out.

Seto's POV

I reached the dock in 18 minutes, which got me 2 minutes to spare. Out running 2 cops I wish they were actually able to follow me here. I kept my car running and I opened Preston's door. 

"Preston, I have to go save mommy. Everything will be okay so you're staying in here." I made sure to grab my deck and my duel disk to be prepared.

I told him softly, trying to stay calm for him. I closed the door and I walked around my car and saw Julia beaten, with bruises and cuts, blood on her face, this was unbelievable. I ran over to her, as there wasn't anyone around her. 

"Oh my God, Julia!" I screamed, I was terrified. I rush over to her without wasting any time and she wouldn't open her eyes. She was knocked out and covered head to toe in injuries. This infuriated me. "Who did this!!??" I turned around and there was still nobody around us. "Who did this!? If this is apart of your game, it's over now!" I walked to behind the chair Julia was sitting in and pulled out a pocket knife from my jacket. Right before I was able to cut the tight rope, I heard chuckling coming from 3 men. 

"Haha, oh there he is." I turned around and there was an older man and 2 twin teenagers standing on both sides of him. 

"Who are you!? Did you hurt my wife?!" I stood up again and stepped in front of her. 

"You killed my son, Seto Kaiba." This was Keith Ingram then. 

"Eh, of course I killed him. He threatened to kill Julia, so I shot him between the eyes!" I admitted. I didn't care to admit it, my wife was dying and I could feel my eyes filling with tears. "Why did you punish my wife?! What do you want!?" One of the twins walked up to me with a smirk on his face. 

"I'm Steven Ingram, the older twin and we punished her so you know how we felt when you murdered Joshua. We were hurting and in pain as well, now you can see her suffering and dying!" This Steven character was laughing like a total lunatic, and if they wanted a duel then a duel is what they're going to get.

"I challenge you to a duel then, Keith Ingram!" I shouted and activated my duel disk, shuffling my deck and putting it in the slot, then he followed. 

"I'm alright with that! But, let's put down some ground rules." 

"Good. When I win, you leave my city, never come back and lose contact with my wife!" Keith put a smirk on his face, than began to say his half of the bargain.

"When I win, Steven and David kill both you and Julia and we take Preston." I remember what Julia said to me, which got me to think.


"Why are you mad? You should be proud that I'm dueling for Preston!" I said, clearly angered.

"A damn duel shouldn't choose the fate of my son! You, Seto are making a big mistake!" Julia yelled, making me look down in my lap, and quickly began to drive.

"Do you think I'm going to lose to a lowlife who couldn't even be there for you? Who couldn't even be there for Preston? What's the mistake here?" She then sighed, hearing my question.

"My son is worth more than a duel. If you lose, then I would have to share my son with someone who never cared until now. He has no idea how to change a diaper, how to put clothes on him or even bathe him. Do you think I want to put Preston through that?!" I sighed in annoyance.

"You think I'm going to lose?" I paused. "I won't lose."

end of flashback...

"My son is worth more than this duel, Ingram. He's worth more than anything I have ever had, and same goes to Julia!" 

"More than your company?"


"Exactly. Now, duel me Seto Kaiba."


Thanks for reading guys! Next chapter, coming in a couple days! :)

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