Do's and Don't's

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In any practice or anything in the matter, there's always rules you have to follow. When it comes to witchcraft or any other practices, it's very important to follow these rules. If not, you could be seriously hurt.

Do's/important info:
• Personal path
• You don't have to learn about everything all at once
• Every witch practices their own way
• Herbs and tools already owned are fine to use in practice
• Not every spirit is going to be your friend
• Even if every spirit says they're your friend it's not always true
• Always protect yourself before doing a spell
• Deities you work with aren't just yours, they will work with whoever they want

• cast spells without protection
• Never do fire magic without a cauldron or water nearby
• Never say thank you to the fae
• Don't try to work with fae as a beginner
• Never look at yourself in a mirror while lucid dreaming or in the astral
• never rush into spell work if you're not ready
• Don't use white sage *

*now this is very important. White sage is only meant to be used for and by Native Americans. If you ever see any in a store, DO NOT BUY IT. There's other kind of sage you can use, like common sage, blue sage, lavender sage, black sage, dessert sage, etc.

You can also make your own sage but we will talk about that in another chapter.

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