Color correspondence

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with anything in the Wicca practice, everything has meaning. and with this chapter, i'm going to teach you the meaning behind colors.

uses for spells:

white: for purification, unity, and all kinds of blessings, improve your spirituality

black- to conjure the forces of planet Saturn, to expel negativity, get rid of bad habits, and unwanted situations, unblocking

pink: for love, romance, friendships, peace, health of mind and emotions, family relations

red- for general use as it is the symbol of magical power, to conjure the element of fire and the forces of planet mars, for passion, good luck, sex magick and health spells, if you want something to happen really fast, dark arts defense

yellow: to conjure the element of air and the planet mercury, for communication and contact with other spirits and realms

orange- for attraction spells, road opening and good luck

blue: to conjure the element of water and the forces of planet Jupiter, for dream magick, job spells, weather spells

golden- for success spells, to conjure the forces of the sun, wealth spells

silver: to conjure the forces of the moon (you may use along with silver and golden colored cords or money spells)

green- to conjure the element of the earth and the forces of planet Venus, for money and abundance spells, for health spells, for tranquility

purple: the empower your magickal self and your magickal abilities, for dream magick, for astral projection 

used for:

red: love, conflict, action, sex

orange: creativity, opportunity, legal matters

yellow: positivity, masculinity, travel

green: money, abundance, wealth, fertility

light blue: communication, intellect

dark blue: emotions, subconscious, intuition 

pink: friendship, self-love, emotional healing

purple: spirituality, psychic abilities

black: protection, binding, banishing, cursing

white: purity, peace, all-purpose

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