Moon phases and cycles

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background of the moon:

the moon is seen as the goddess, with the sun being god and each of the three main phases attributed to a particular phase within the goddess' life. it's called the 'triple goddess and her symbol is )O(.  the triple goddess represents the full moon, the waning moon, and the waxing moon; sometimes known as the maiden, the mother, and the brown. this represents birth, life, and death, telling us that everything in our world has a cycle and everything has a beginning, middle, and an end.

in spiritual meaning, the lunar cycle is the relationship between the sun and the moon, the goddess and the god. a full moon is seen to be more powerful because the full light of the god is illuminating the goddess; it's a combination of two of the strongest forces in the world. 

moon phases:

The cycle starts with the dark, new moon, slowly moving into the waxing moon, reaches its full power during the full moon then slowly fades through the waning moon and back into a new moon. These phases have different meanings and energies that we can use and we're going to look at how to use each one below. 

- the new moon

the new moon is the start of a new lunar cycle and occurs once a month. it's best for new beginnings and setting intentions for the month ahead. this is a perfect time to make plans and decide what you want to achieve over the next 29 days.

keywords: intention setting, new beginnings, fresh start

- the waxing moon

the waxing moon is the first sign that energy is building and in a few days, the moon will be at its full power. this is the best time to work on things like your self confidence, compassion, and self assurance. building yourself up and really put plans into place to reach your goals.

keywords: self assurance, self confidence, planning

- the first quarter

the first quarter is at half power. its the best time to reflect and to take a little pause to revel what you've been working on so far and celebrate your achievements. also a good time to think about how you want to celebrate the full moon and gear yourself up for some serious action

keywords: reflection, pause, self appreciation

- the waxing gibbous moon

the waxing gibbous is one small step away from pull power. this is the best time to hone in on your intentions, goals, and actions. make sure you pay attention to all the details and that you stay mindful about what is happening both externally and internally.

keywords: honing, mindfulness, action

- the full moon

the full moon is when the moon/goddess is at her full power and we can tap into her energy to help us manifest or gain insight into our problems. this is the best time to manifest and add extra power to your intentions. this is the perfect time to preform rituals and spells, as it is the most powerful time of the month. it's also a great time to preform releasing or banishing rituals, manifestation spells and meditations, and a bit of admin such as charging crystals and cleansing tarot cards

keywords: manifestation, inner work, divination

-the waning gibbous moon

the waning gibbous marks the winding down of the moons power. this is the best time to turn inwards and evaluate what has happened over the last few days. think about your full moon ritual or meditation and readjust your intentions and goals for the rest of the month.

keywords: asses, evaluate, review

- the third quarter

the third quarter marks the fact that the moon is now back to half power and fading. this is the best time to let go of anything that is holding you back or causing negativity in your life. this could be things like self-limiting beliefs, fear, or even just an idea that's been stuck in your head but unable to manifest itself. 

keywords: let it go, release, cleanse

- the waning moon

the power of the waning moon is nearly over. it's nearly time for a new moon and a new beginning. this is the best time to take a breath and surrounded by whatever has happened and everything that is out of your control. if you were unable to reach your goal that you set yourself in the beginning of the cycle, its ok. take a deep breath and surrender to the will of the universe. 

keywords: surrender, self-kindness, compassion

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