The fae and what to do

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this is mainly a warning for baby witches. when you baby witches get more practice then you can get into working with the fae. for now, stay away from them!

Never eat food that theygive you.

Eating their food will do two things. First, assuming that you're in the land of the Fae, eating their food will force you to stay there. Second, eating their food will make you no longer hunger for human food. Which means that you will both starve and not want to eat chocolate.

Never give them your name.

Names hold power. If a faerie asks for your name and you say it, you're giving them power (and possibly complete control) over you. The best thing to do in this situation is to give the faerie a made-up name or your nickname. However, if you know their name and say it, then they will leave you alone.

Never stand in a fairyring.

Fairy rings are the rings of mushrooms that sometimes grow where a tree has died, and they're also portals to the Faerie realm. Even if you're not teleported, you could get stuck in the ring, and time moves much slower in there. Centuries could pass outside, while seconds pass inside. And if you are transported to the Faerie realm, you could be treated as their guest, or you could become their prisoner. Once you eat the Fae's food you'll never be able to leave.

Never be rude to a faerie.

Being unhospitable and selfish are frowned upon among the Fae. It is critical to meet their standards. Punishments for not doing so range from being pricked with sharp weapons for spying, to being given seven years of lameness for laziness, to drowning in a bog for being a bully.

Never accept a gift fromthe Fae.

Or rather, be very careful with any gift you are given. If you don't trust the faerie who gave you the gift, it's best to destroy it. And never, ever say thank you for a gift. It implies that you owe them something

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