Herbs, flowers, roots, and salt

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There are many herbs that are used in witchcraft and practices. And many of them have meanings and their meanings can be used in certain spells. Here are all the herbs, flowers, and roots I've taken notes on:

• Clove- banishing, memory, protection, courage, strength, love

Clover- protects animals, summons animal spirits and power

Dragons blood- banishing

Garlic- banishing

Hot pepper- banishing

Agrimony- binding

Knotweed- binding

Spiderwort- binding

Witch hazel- binding

Mint- communication

Orris root- communication

Angelica- curse-breaking, protection

Bloodroot- curse-breaking

Boneset- curse-breaking

Mandrake- curse-breaking

Salt- curse-breaking

Sage- curse-breaking, Health, purification, wisdom, mental health

Rue- curse-breaking

Apple- fertility, love

Cucumber- fertility

Fig- fertility

Ivy- fertility

Coriander- health

Dogroot- health

Eucalyptus- health, purification, business

Galangal root- health

Ginger- health, money

Rosemary- health, intellect

Thyme- health, enables one to see the elements, protection from evil and wild animals, communication with the dead

Benzoin- intellect

Dittany of Crete- intellect

Nutmeg- intellect, psychic visions, spiritual aid, animal powers

Adam and Eve root- love

Basil- love, energy, passion, physical strength

Beet- love

Catnip- love

Laurel- love

Lavender- love, peace, health, magic, insight, clarity, focus

Marjoram- love

Rose- love, relationships, protection from evil, attracts fairies, goddess energies

Cinnamon- money, compelling, drawing, changing, prosperity

Orange- money, joy, energy

Patchouly- money

Vervain- money

• Cumin- peace

Violet- peace

Allspice- productivity

Oregano- productivity

Vanilla- productivity

Cypress- protection, healing, money, prosperity

Mugwort- protection, psychic abilities

Sandalwood- protection, meditation, divination, trance induction

Frankincense- protection, spiritual understanding, spiritual awareness

Wormwood- protection

Acacia- psychic abilities

Gardenia- psychic abilities, lunar power, emotional strength

Tuberose- psychic abilities

Yarrow- psychic abilities, banished anger and hostility, grants ones wish

Pansy- relationships

Valerian- relationships

Bay- purification, protection

Bergamot- sleep, control, commanding

Camomile- sleep, dreams, prophecy, purification

• Cardamom- sex

Carnation- magical strength, love, health, transformation

Cedar- invokes spirits, protection by spiritual forces

Fennel- change, magic, sexuality, communication, the arts

Geranium- happiness, writing, acting, singing, dancing

Honeysuckle- stability, growth, solidity, slow steady change

Hyssop- spiritual cleansing

Jasmine- love, sexuality, sensuality, universal love, dreams

Juniper- healing, protection, strengthens all magic

Lemon- happiness, energies of the crone, consecration

Myrrh- meditation, enlightenment, healing sorrow or depression

Patchouli- grounding, sexuality, weight control, gain, wealth

Pennyroyal- protection, reversal of negative energy

Peppermint- healing, soothing, balancing

Pine- healing, longevity, youth, strength

Rosemary- improves memory, stimulates and energies

Spikenard- enables one to learn from karmic circumstances, clears karma

*if there's anymore I should add, if some mean more, or if it doesn't mean something, please lmk

Salt and they're meaning

Sea salt- reflects back negative and banishing spells
Black salt- powerful and protection
Pink salt- removes curses and casting circles
Red salt- stops negative energy and home protection
Table salt- cleansing and purifying

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