Be careful what you wish for...

Start from the beginning

This morning was different though. She could just feel it. The air was... charged...

There was a terrible thunderstorm last night. Must be it. Just another shitty day in a Northern England City. The weather had been a bit crazier than usual.

I mean, England is rainy... but Jesus! The thunder? It sounded like it wanted to hurt someone.

As Y/N rounded the corner she couldn't believe her eyes. The dealership wasn't there.

There was smoke, wrecked cars... and jesus christ... was that scorch marks and melted tarmac? A smile spread across Y/N's face. I think that's what they call... paid leave. She thought smugly.

Suddenly there was a flash of light, like sparks as she peered closer, she saw the sparks becoming a circle.. no some sort of hoop like a Catherine wheel.
A firework?

Y/N stepped back but then saw it was.. becoming a window? For when she looked through she could see a whole different new world...

Y/N had seen stuff like this before on TV. Even in history learning about Captain America and other strange things that had been seen in the sky...

Was this some freaky thing happening here? Omg Y/N needed to have a look! As she stepped through the window, she could feel the air completely change... it went from went and windy to warm and breezy.

And the air smelled so clean, honestly she has never smelled such clean air.

Y/N stepped through the trees, eyes beholding so many different birds and flowers....

Wait a moment...she suddenly thought...omg. I am that person. That stupid person who goes into the creepy house, the one who runs up stairs to get away from a serial killer. Omg how are you that fucking dumb Y/N?!?
She thought quickly walking back.

She began to run, realising how stupid she had been. The door was closing. The sparks flickering and wearing out. There was no way you were going to make it back. There was a final flash as you just got to the opening. Gone.

Oh god... what have I done...? she thought. Taking out her phone, she tried calling someone. No service. She went to maps... location... nothing...
Well Y/N she thought I've a feeling you're not in Kansas anymore...

Present- Asgard

Yes, Y/N was a skilled thief now. She needed to be. She had to find ways to blend in, including her clothing.

On her fifth day here, Y/N had managed to steal a pair of brown leather Jodhpurs and a cream double jacket.

She also now wore a thick fur trimmed cloak for the winter. Yes, she had learned to be stealthy. And now it was dead winter, she needed to be extra sneaky.

As she walked through the streets, the sun dimly hitting the snow covered roofs she could hear the Yule celebrations were well on their way.

The smell of pies and cakes everywhere, the sweet smell of cinnamon and ginger made her stomach ache.

Oh my god I'm hungry she thought. But there was no way to get in anywhere. No one had unknowingly left a window open or a kitchen door.

She journeyed on to the sides of the castle looking for a way in. And then it all of a sudden came to her.

The trade entrance. No one would question someone delivering a sack of grains who would even think?

She worked fast a little away from the door, there was a cart with sacks of oats.

The owner conveniently absent. She hauled one over her shoulder, making her way to the servants entrance.

Loki And The ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now