Mia was mock-glaring at Tsuna, who actually looked cocky for once, and threw herself on floor. She glared at the ceiling. "Fine, I'll stay overnight." Tsuna brightened at that. "I'll go get my stuff from my place."

"There's no need to," Bianchi coolly told her. "Reborn had me go to your apartment to pick up your things."

Mia frowned, clearly displeased. "I hate you all," she muttered.

Bianchi smirked. "Don't be upset now, this is the perfect chance for me to tutor you in the ways of being a woman."

Mia sat up so fast she almost hit her head on the table. She had the most horrified expression that Tsuna had ever seen. In a way, it was also the funniest thing ever.

"Oh hell no," she said. "I'd rather be shot at by Reborn."

"You don't really mean that," Tsuna said.

"No, I actually do."

"Hahaha! Mia really is a tomboy huh?"

"How dare you baseball freak! Mia-sama is a fine lady! If she wasn't, she wouldn't be by Tenth's side!"

Tsuna and Mia sweat dropped at the two. "So if I wasn't friends with Tsuna I would be a hobo?" She asked herself.

"I didn't mean it that way!" Gokudera quickly told her.

Bianchi tsked at her brother. "You lack sensitivity Hayato."

"Shut up!"

"Back to the earlier topic, shall I shoot you now Mia? I always wanted to shoot you with a Dying Will Bullet." Reborn polished his gun.

"Reborn!" Tsuna admonished his tutor.

"Heh, don't pretend you don't wanna see it." Reborn smirked. Most of the males in the room turned red at his suggestive tone.

Mia slightly leaned away from the hitman, not picking up the innuendo but weary all the same. "On second thought, I'll pick two of the lesser evils… in one condition."

"Oh?" Bianchi asked her. Mia nodded slowly. She lifted I-pin.

"I-pin has to be there with me! Will you I-pin?" she asked the little girl.

"I-pin will do her best!" the girl chirped.

"No fair! Lambo-san wants to be there as well!" Lambo interjected.

"Alright you, come here." Mia opened her arm out to him. Lambo jumped out of Tsuna's lap and into Mia's arms. She made sure she was holding them securely before getting up.

"Come on then, let's get you cleaned up." Bianchi gestured out the door. Mia stood up and followed, walking like it would be her last. Bianchi lightly pushed her to go faster, saying "Tali drammatiche." ("Such the dramatic.")

Yamamoto and Gokudera got up as well, the latter looking very regretful.

"It's getting late Tsuna, I promised that I'll be home for dinner." Tsuna nodded at Yamamoto.

"I'm sorry Tenth, but I have to go as well. I have a shipment of bombs coming in today so I have to meet with my dealer."

"No um… that's okay Gokudera-kun." Tsuna did not know what to say to that. He was highly disturbed at how nonchalant Gokudera said it, as if he was just going to the store to buy cereal. "But thank you two for today," he told them gratefully. "Come stay for dinner next time, I'm sure Mom won't mind."

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