Twenty two!

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Y/n pov
When we get to the hotel you can hear the music all the way from the lobby. I wonder if the hotel manager really approves this party.

When we get down on the beach there is already a lot of teens ther. Some of them looks older but most of them is in our age. I recognize some teens that stays on the same hotel as I am and that includes the Blondie from the airport that Louis and Will were playing ping pong with the first night.

The music are comming from two big speakers and there is colored lights that makes the sand look purple. Most of the people are dancing with cups in their hands and I wonder if it's alcohol, it probably is.

We make our way through the crowd of people to get to the bar. I don't think the bartender cares about age because we meet a guy that's way younger than 18.

Louis sits down on a bar chair and pats on his lap and I sit down.

"Would you like to order something?" The bartender asks. "Two margaritas pleas!" Naya says and I look strange at her. I never thought She would drink.

"You only live once!" She says and smiles a little. She gets the drink and drinks it with a strax. First She look like She thinks it's disgusting but after an other sip She smiles at me. "It's good, you should try it your self!"

Louis looks at me "you don't need to if you don't want to." "I know, but I want to." I say and try to sound confident but it more sounds like I try to convince my self. Louis orders a beer to him self and a pink colored drink to me.

The first sip is awful and I scrunch my face when I drink it but then I relize the after taste is sweet an the drink is actually good. I never considered my self as a rule breaker but sometime must be the first. And what could one drink possibly do? I will not get drunk and I have seen enough movies to not want to be that either.

After a while Louis takes my hand and Ask me to Come with him. Hi looks a little bit off but w he talks clearly so he's not drunk but I got to keep an eye on him.

We go down on the beach where people are dancing and having fun and we join them. At first I just move my feets a little but when Louis takes my hand and turns me around I start losing up.

After dancing for a while booth me and Louis are tired and thirsty so we decide to go and grav something to drink. We haven't seen Naya and Will in like an hour but they are probably making out somewhere.

I just Ask for a coke because I already feel a little dizzy but Louis order som clear drink with lime slices in it. After we have drank up I tell Louis that I need to use the restroom and I pushes myself through all the people.

DO NOT DRINK KIDS!! Wait until you're 18 or 21 or whatever the age limit in your country are.
Thx for voting and stuff like that!!<3

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑖𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑦 (Louis Partridge)Where stories live. Discover now