32. The First Date

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"Who's truck is that?" I asked as he unlocked it
"Embry's, he let me borrow it, because we need it" he opened the passenger door for me and helped me in. Then he ran around to the drivers side and got in too.
"Why do we need it?"
"because we are going to a drive-in" he smiled over at me
"huh... a drive-in" I chuckled lightly "I've never been to one"
"they're fun" he nodded his head
As he drove he turned the stereo on and one of my favourite songs came on, and of course I sang along.

"your a good singer" he tapped my leg
"thanks Jake... I guess"
"mhm.. I'm guessing 100 years of practice pays off" he chuckled slightly
"yeah it does" I smiled as he pulled into the 4th row of cars, though he parked backwards, I understood why he needed the truck now.
"Take this, and go get snacks and drinks from the counter store" he handed me a 20
"I can pay" I gave him the 20 back, got out the truck and started walking towards the store
"wait" I heard him jump over the back of the truck and he was at my side
"I offered to go on this date, so I am paying... I just want you to go and get the snacks while I set stuff up"
"right, are you going to give in at any point?" I asked
"absolutely not" he kept the quirky smile on his face as he held the 20 dollar bill up towards me, I snatched it out of his hand and huffed
"So stubborn" I sighed walking towards the counter store, I waited in line for a few minutes and ordered 2 drinks and a bag of popcorn. once I'd gotten them I walked back to the truck and saw Jacob sat in the truck bed, he had brought his own bedsheets and pillows and some extra blankets.

"wow, sacrificing your bedsheets" I chuckled as I climbed in to sit next him
"i'm sacrificing more than just my bedsheets... trust me" he sighed as he took one drink and the bag of popcorn from my hands.
"you forgot didn't you?" I asked "forgot I couldn't eat."
"yeah" he wrapped one arm around my shoulders "but I did remember that time you said you've never tried eating, so, popcorn?"
"I, no... I wont- it might make me sick and it will ruin this" I leaned into his shoulder
just like that the movie started...
"Jake" I looked up at him from his chest
"yeah?" he smiled down at me
"my ass hurts"
he burst out laughing "come here"
I looked up at him weirdly until he patted his lap, I sighed and made myself comfortable on his lap.
"Comfy?" he whispered in my ear
"yeah" I laid my head down on his shoulder. his hands started to rub up and down my arms and down to my waist.
"I like this outfit"
"really? I would never wear a skirt normally--"
"shh, I like it"
"did someone spike your drink?" I laughed
"no, and I actually think its pretty- scrap that, its beautiful"
"okay Jake you can shut up now. You've seen me wear a dress before"
"one dress, and it was a bit.... small, but it was still pretty"
"you never said anything about that at graduation"
"I didn't want to be the one to ruin the day, but I guess the psychic one ruined it for me instead"
"you know... I'm psychic too"
"both you aren't scary, and small, and you dont look like a pixy"
"okay enough... Alice is really nice" I sighed "you need to give my family a chance, I gave your friends one, and most.. of them are decent"
"Paul is just awkward, hes held a grudge since the big one just about went over the border"
"I thought we were allowed now"
"you are allowed, we only told you all of you were allowed because you'd be happy with that, but they... are not welcome, and the pack isn't welcome on your side-- I'm not really, but the doctor and his wife want you to be happy so they let me. I dont get it anyway, you've always been happy, you are happy"
"there's a lot you dont know Jacob"
"How about you enlighten me?" he asked
"you sound like my brother..."
"dont... compare me to that bloodsucker, alright?" he suddenly snapped
"okay, I'm sorry." I took a breath "do you really want to know?"
"I have only had one boyfriend, in my life. His name is Marco, and I thought he was the best--"
"when you were human... or like this?" he interrupted me
"like this, Quite close to when I was changed. He is one of the Volturi so I went down to Italy for weeks on end, sometimes months. Carlisle and Edward werent happy about it, they didn't trust him. They we're right not to, um I really did like him, and he seemed to like me too, but then he showed his true colours, he took me to the Volturi they hurt me... like a lot that day, and I became one of them - the bad guys. A slave for them, I guess." I explained with little detail. all he did was nod, wanting me to carry on "I-uh, I still was like hooked to him, the whole time I was with the Volturi... Until I realised what he was and I ran away. Edward and Carlisle had been looking for me the whole time and surprisingly the time I ran away they were looking for me around Italy, I was doing my best to hide around back streets until I ran straight into Edward, he was so relieved to see me, and he said no more. He walked me to where he knew Carlisle was and the three of us went to Alaska. That's about it" I nodded to myself
"I, I dont know what this has to do with you being happy?" Jacob turned me in his lap to face him
"it means that I thought I was happy with him, I told myself I was happy with him, but I wasn't. My whole second life I have been unhappy, along with Edward, Carlisle and Esme used to try and get us with other vampires they knew but it didn't make either of us happy, they gave up then, for years. and with Bella here for Edward, they will do what ever for the two of them because he's happy, and uh, now you and me, I guess they see me as more happy - even if we are just friends." I smiled
"right..." he tried to think all this through
"can I turn now?"
"what if I dont want you to turn?" he smirked at me
"then... I might compromise with you"
"oh yeah?" he laughed
I nodded.
he moved his hands up to my face and pulled me in for a kiss, it lasted quite a while.

"You could make that 2 boyfriends in your life... if you want?" He whispered in my ear
"Oh right..." I whispered back as he started to kiss up and down my neck
"we practically are Ivy, come on" he said, but his head was still dropped
"I know, and my brother isn't the happiest about that... now how do you think he'd feel if we dated?"
"we could test it..."
"Yes we could..."
"so," he lifted his head from my neck and looked at me "Ivy, be my girlfriend?"
"yeah, okay"

That wolf-boy ~ Jacob BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz