Chapter 46 - The young and the restless

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After leaving Meg to babysit Castiel in the hospital's psych ward, the Winchesters took a couple of days to process everything that had happened. Sam especially had it hard. Getting his mind back in order after having Lucifer as a bunking buddy for that long left an impression on him. Allegra's presence was the only thing that helped him through it.
Dean noticed how she was with his little brother. Protective, caring, concerned... everything she'd been with him once. He knew she didn't want to stick around him, but she did - for Sam.

Turning Bobby's flask in his hands, Dean kept an eye out on the horizon. He could almost hear Bobby's voice behind him. Calling him an idiot. Telling him to get his act together and just fess up to Allegra once and for all. But Bobby was gone. Passed on to the good side. Probably drinking a beer with Ellen and Jo up in Heaven's version of the Roadhouse. Another Hunter surrendered to the flames. Another father they lost. 
Though in some things, tiny things really, Bobby Singer had been more of a father to the boys than John Winchester ever had. He'd played catch with them. He'd taught them how to drink whiskey when their dad had been away. Heck, Bobby had even bothered to give them 'the talk,' for crying out loud. No matter what he was dealing with himself, Bobby had always been there when they needed him.

After a couple of strange occurrences, the boys believed that Bobby was possibly still out there. They'd tried several ways to connect with him, but it was a bust. Sam called out to Bobby on a Ouija board and got jack-squat. EMF was spinning out of control one moment and then nothing the next. The only thing they hadn't tried yet was asking Allegra to reach out to Bobby's soul, but they had no idea how she would react to them asking. Without any tangible proof, the general consensus at the moment was that Bobby was dead and gone. Which just made Dean feel more miserable than he already was.

"I wish you were here, Bobby." He sighed gloomily. "I'm at a loss. I know what you meant with what you wrote on my hand, but... I can't. I've hurt Allegra too badly. She doesn't want anything to do with me, and I can't hold that against her. She's better off with Sam. He'll treat her right. I know he will. Hell of a lot better than me anyway."

There was a thud inside the Impala. Dean leaped off the top and walked to the passenger side. He raised a brow when he saw the glove compartment open. The jewelry box had fallen out onto the seat and seemed to be staring at Dean. How the hell had that happened?
He reached in to pick up the box. It felt heavy, like a ton of bricks weighing it down in his hand. A chill went up Dean's spine, making his whole body shiver. So freakin' weird... Just when he was about to put it back in the glove compartment, he heard Allegra's voice behind him.

"Dinner's ready."

Dean spun around. He dropped the jewelry box back onto the seat and stood in front of the window so Allegra couldn't see it.

"I'll be right there," he said.

Allegra pursed her lips. Dean tilted his head to her. Her lingering expression told him she clearly wanted to say something.

"You okay?" he asked, hoping she had come to talk to him.

She looked back to the cabin. The front door was closed, and Dean saw his brother through the kitchen window, putting everything on the table.

"Sam's doing better," she said. "Much better, really. He euhm... He won't be needing me anymore, so I'll be leaving soon. Tomorrow maybe."

"What? No! Alley, you can't leave!"

Allegra's mouth twitched at his nickname for her. Dean held out his hand in apology.

"Sorry, I... You can't leave. Look, we need to stick together. Dick Roman is still out there. He and his possé of ooze-balls are out to have our heads. We're stronger if we stay together."

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