1: Cheryl Blossom

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Cheryl Blossom is 24 years old, a graduate of the Art Institute in Chicago with a passion for painting and drawing. She currently lives in Chicago with her fiance Nick St. Clair. Cheryl has never had an easy life, what with abusive and controlling parents, suicide attempts, never feeling like she had any true friends, and just feeling lonely.

She wasn't the popular girl or head cheerleader. In fact, she couldn't even make the cheerleading squad. Cheryl was an outcast, a basket case, a nerd, some might say. She wore glasses and had braces. She never wore extremely tight clothes to show off her curves because in her mind, she was ugly, deviant and loveless. So why bother trying? She never wanted or really needed braces, but her parents forced her. They wouldn't even allow her to wear contacts, like her twin brother Jason did. Was it her fault she didn't have friends? She definitely feels like it was. She tried to be close to people, but always had to hide behind her walls and mask. Never feeling like she could be her true self, the only person she could be the true Cheryl around was her brother Jason. "And Heather", she thought, quickly shaking her head, ridding herself of those memories. She was at work and needed to focus.

Cheryl works at a local art supply store, located in downtown Chicago. Occasionally she teaches art classes, but she mostly mans the store, sketching in her spare time. As much as she would love to put her degree to use, Nick won't allow it. "God forbid I do anything I want to do. Anything that makes me happy", she thought. The main reason she was still with Nick was because of her parents, as well as his. They were business partners, but Cheryl wasn't sure how. She was never told much about the business, she was just the pretty face, the arm candy. Her brother Jason was groomed his entire life to take over the business for their father, whenever he decided to retire.

Blossom Maple Farms was the family business, going back four generations. In fact, the Blossoms helped found Riverdale, New York, the town with pep, located just two hours outside of New York City. Cheryl left for Chicago right after graduating high school. Her parents wanted her to major in business to one day help with the family business, but Cheryl had no desire. When she decided on the Art Institute, her parents refused to help her with tuition, books and living expenses. She was extremely thankful that she received scholarships, and Jason would send her money when she was in a bind.

Jason was always the supportive brother. He was the golden boy of his family and of Riverdale. Everyone adored him. Cheryl was never really envious of her brother; instead she was happy for him. That was until he found love their junior year of high school, in the arms of Polly Cooper. Cheryl wasn't envious or jealous of Polly, per say. She was jealous that they had love and she didn't. Sure she flirted and made out with guys at parties, or behind the bleachers of the football field, but Cheryl Blossom was a loner through and through. She didn't really seem to mind, though.

While Cheryl was at work, she was just finishing up teaching her art class for the day. This was a basic painting class for anyone interested in learning to paint, and was held once a week, on Thursdays. Cheryl always looked forward to this class. She loved teaching and helping people. Thursday was her day to escape the battle in her head and to simply forget about real life. Thursday was the day she was an artist. Not just a shop keep. Not just a broken girl. The class was done and Cheryl was cleaning up once the students left. She got a text on her phone from her brother. Smiling, she read it:


Hey, sis! I talked to Nick and I'm coming down for a visit next weekend. Can't wait to see you!

Cheryl was beaming at the text from her brother. She was so excited to hear from him and to see he would be visiting. Although, she hated that he always needed to get permission from Nick. The first time Jason visited without talking to Nick first, the two men got into a fist fight, which left Jason in the emergency room and Nick with a busted lip and black eye. Cheryl never heard the end of it from Nick or her parents.

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