Chapter 37: The Party Crashers

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Enough of that mushy nonsense, I went to check on the activities inside. Surprisingly, nothing was chaos. The groups that didn't like each other, avoided one another, and the night was fine.

Around 7:30 the teachers started showing. By now, more than half the school was here. A small group had already left, but they had fun, and made sure to tell me. The entire queer club came and were hanging out around the board games.

Teacher after teacher congratulated me on my success of a night when 10:00 rolled around. A few did so grudgingly, but it's the thought that counts.

All the teachers stayed to watch the movie which started at 10:00. Most people had fun watching, and those who didn't either stayed put, or left the room. There was over 500 people in the gym. I stayed at the back, keeping an eye on all of it—and the drinks. I had a small drink and snack stand set up in here so people wouldn't have to go halfway around the school for popcorn.

With the movie over, I flipped the lights on, and turned off the projector. It was nearing midnight—at which time I'd planned on giving a speech.

Some people left and more came in when I asked for their attention. When I finally had everyone's, almost everyone who came who was still here was in the gym. And my gosh, it was packed.

"Um, first I want to thank everyone who made this night possible." I started. A few people nodded and murmured as I said their names. When I finished, they all clapped.

"I would also like to thank everyone who came." I continued. "I wasn't sure how many people were upset that prom was cancelled, so I wanted to make the night count. Of course it'll never compare to prom, but at least most of you had fun. Hopefully." I added quietly, making a few people chuckle. "A big thanks to the teachers who—"

There was a bit of commotion in the back, and I paused to see what was going on.

Then, crack! Boom!

Everyone screamed and ducked. I stood frozen, so someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to the floor.

Yelling and screaming and crying.

"Where is he?"

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Tell me where he is!"

"I don't know who you're talking about!"

"Nathan Moore!"

I froze. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.


"Don't play dumb."

"We don't have a Nathan Moore!"

"What about Ethan?"

"Which one? We have Ethan Gray, Ethan Dean, Eth—"


The whole room went silent with the new demanding voice. The voice sounded familiar.

"Nathan Moore!" He yelled. I finally got a view of the guys. Was that... couldn't be. "You know who you are!"

The room stayed silent with an aura of fear. I glanced around, making sure nobody knew.

"Stand!" He yelled. I flinched. I wasn't as scared of him as I was Carter's dad, but he was still scary. When no one moved, then he grabbed a kid sitting next to him and pointed the gun to him.

"You have two seconds." He threatened. "One..."

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned to my direction. As did everyone else. I stood up nervously. "I'm right here. What do you want?"

He glared at me and shoved the kid back on the ground. His friends cried and held onto him. "I'm here on behalf of Alfonso." I flinched at the name. Someone next to me tugged lightly on my pantleg, but I ignored it.

"What does he want?" I asked, trying not to let my voice waver.

"You remember?" He asked, almost surprised. I looked back confused.

"Remember what?"

He studied me for a second. "Do you remember me?"

I swallowed. And slowly nodded. "Oscar." I said quietly. "You were at my house that night." His eyes narrowed. "What exactly is it that he wants?" I asked again. He seemed to snap out of his thoughts.

"He wants to see you."

Those words echoed in my head. I stood still, but my head was spinning.

I wet my lips and asked, "Why?" with a dry throat.

"He will tell you when you see him." He answered, turning to leave.

"What if I don't want to go?" I questioned. He snapped his head to me.

"Well then I guess that you want your fellow students to die." He pointed the gun at the closest person with the safety off.

"Ok, ok!" I yelled, putting my hands up. "I'll come." I walked towards them. Oscar smirked triumphantly and put the gun in the case on his belt.

The students silently made a path and whispered quiet 'good luck's as I passed them.

I saw fearful faces for me as I walked. Lots of faces had tears and terror on them. Others were just concerned. Some were calm about the whole thing, others were sobbing, and others still were shaking. I tried to tell them that it was going to be ok with my face, but most people just started crying.

When I reached Oscar, he grabbed my arm and lead me outside with the other guy following. When we reached outside, I thought I heard yelling from the gym.

Bruce was at the fee stand, and when he saw me, he jumped up with concern.

"Ethan?" He called. I held my hand out to make him stop.

"Don't move." Oscar said, pointing the gun. Bruce backed up with his hands in the air.

"Ethan?" He looked to me. I told him with my eyes to call the police. He obviously didn't get it. I instead silently pleaded 'Help!' as Oscar shoved me to the black SUV that just pulled up.

They threw me into the backseat and climbed in after. I looked out the window and I saw Bruce's phone up to his ear, talking frantically.

Then the car sped off. I sat on the seat with my knees pulled up to my chest and looked out the window. My heart filled with fear at the finality that I was going to see the man I hate. The man I was terrified of. My head filled with thoughts of what would happen. My stomach twisted with these thoughts.

I was not ready to see him again. Especially after what happened a month ago. That also meant I had to see...Carter.

I should've put up more of a fight. The two people I despised more than everyone else in the world are the very ones I'm going to see. My stomach got heavier the further away the car moved from the school. The further I moved from safety. 


Oh damn. This chapter came faster than I thought it would. You guys are in for it now. 😝

But seriously, this chapter was well waited, and a long time coming. I hope you enjoy it. And please, leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments. I appreciate (spelled it right!) them and you. So, thanks. 

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