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Chapter 121Works: of: Category: Word Count: 2080 Updated: 20-03-31 09:34

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after an hour.

Feng Xiaoyun came in and said to Song Lan, "Alan, we are about to arrive at the Port City Ferry Terminal. Hurry up and call your brother and sister!"

"Okay, I will call them up."

Since Song Lan boarded the ship, he was looking forward to the moment when he arrived in Hong Kong, thinking that he could see her family Ayuan soon, Song Lan felt very happy.

Her family Ayuan must have been waiting for her at the dock, right?

Song Lan was right. Ye Jingyuan had indeed been waiting for her at the dock, almost looking through Qiu Shui and becoming Wang's wife.

Ye Jingyuan received a notice from Feng Xiaoyun today that after they would come by boat tonight, he didn't even have the thought of doing experiments, and ran home early.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, he wanted to go out, or Dong Yao stopped him, "They haven't got on the boat yet, why are you so anxious? Go to the beach so early to drink northwest wind!"

Ye Jingyuan had no choice but to wait at home.

After twelve o'clock in the evening, he didn't want to wait any longer, regardless of Dong Yao's obstruction, he called the driver and bodyguards, drove three cars, and went out together.

After waiting at the dock for more than half an hour, Ye Jingyuan finally saw the familiar large cargo ship slowly appearing in his eyes.

He suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, only to feel why the boat was driving so slowly? With such a small distance, it feels like I haven't been there for a long time.

After Song Lan yelled all his brothers and sisters, the big cargo ship had already docked on the shore.

Ye Jingyuan, who wanted to see Song Lan a long time ago, didn't see Song Lan waiting for him at the bow, he jumped on the boat in a hurry and shouted: "Lan Lan, Lan Lan, where are you?"

Song Lan quickly responded, "Ayuan, I am here."

Song Lan also wanted to go out quickly, but when Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu were woken up by Song Lan, they were also faint, lacking energy at all, and the two little guys couldn't even stand firmly.

Song Lan had to hold Xiao Liu, and let Song Wulue hold Xiao Wu, and Song Yu, who was a little bit older, left by herself.

When they were about to go out, Song Lan heard Ye Jingyuan's voice calling her.

He actually got on the boat to find her!

Seeing Ye Jingyuan's tall and straight figure appearing at the door of the cabin, Song Lan's heart instantly felt warm, "Ayuan..."

Ye Jingyuan saw her holding Xiao Liu, and quickly took Xiao Liu over, "I'll hold her, where are your luggage? Let Aqiang and Azheng help them disembark the boat!"

As soon as the bodyguards Aqiang and Azheng standing behind Ye Jingyuan heard what he said, they immediately stepped forward and asked her, "Miss Song, what are your luggage? Let's carry it!"

Song Lan quickly pointed to the suitcases in the corner, "Just these five suitcases."

These suitcases were also taken out from the portable shopping mall, which looked very fashionable and exquisite.

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