Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Adrienne's POV

I stood in Simon's office, hands on his desk, begging him to reconsider.

"Please. Please do not let them do this."

Simon sighed. "Rienne, I already told you. There is nothing I can do about it."

"I cannot take three weeks cooped up inside a house in the middle of nowhere with those boys!" I screeched.

"I'll pay you double."

"I don't want your damn money." I growled.

After I agreed to let everybody go on this vacation of Zayn's, I realized what a terrible idea it was. I tried to back out on them, but they wouldn't let me. Simon was my last resort, and he wouldn't budge.

"Look, Rienne. I already booked a plane for the ten of you, and I already rented the house. Everything is set up. Plus, the media already knows you guys are going on a three-week long vacation. I can't take it all back."

"Urgh." I flopped down into a chair across from Simon. "But three weeks? That's a little extreme."

"It'll be good for you. Nobody will be able to find you guys." Simon pointed out. I had to admit he was right.

"Ugh whatever. I won't win anyways." I stood up. "I better start packing." as I started to leave, Simon called my name.

"I know about Rod."

"What?" I turned back around, confused.

"What he did."

"I don't follow you." I said flatly.

"Putting Ian under house arrest, destroying your command center, sending Eve, and leaving himself."

"Well of course you do. It's your job to know."

"No, I mean I wasn't informed."

This got my attention. Everyone was supposed to inform Simon. "You weren't?"

"No. I had to go in myself to find out." Simon sounded extremely pissed.

"Why wouldn't they inform you?"

"There is only one explanation. We've been infiltrated."

I caught my breath. This has never happened. It's quite impossible. "That's impossible." I whispered.

"I know. But it happened. I can't even make it into the base without being shot at."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. Whoever it is, they're doing the best job at covering themselves up. They've taken over everything."

"And where is Rod when this is happening?" I said, annoyed.

"Who the hell knows? The only thing I know is that whoever infiltrated us, and whoever is after the boys,well, they're connected. I don't know how, they just are. You need to find out. Meanwhile, I need to find out a way to get to Ian. I believe he has valuable information and that's why he's being held."

That made sense. The only reason people would want Ian would be because he knows something. That, or for ransom. And whoever these people were, I had a feeling they weren't after ransom.


I left Simon's office feeling overwhelmed. I know I shouldn't, as I'm supposed to be prepared for this feeling. It was just that I've been on the job for two days, and in these two days, I've relocated my best friend, been set up with a famous pop star, been attacked three times, killed someone, and had all my painful memories brought up.

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