•Chapter 38•

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Today was the day, that everyone was coming back from their Christmas break, but I couldn't really focus on the fact that I would see flynn and nick again, when all I could really think about, was Luke.

The last two days, I had spent every hour with him - he even let me sleep over in the Slytherin common room with him. We've been inseparable since I came back to Hogwarts, and I couldn't be happier.

Unfortunately, Luke had some things he needed to do this morning, so I was left to my own devices. I took this spare time to walk around the castle, until it was time for the welcoming feast, later tonight.

As I was walking through the castle, my head suddenly felt very light, and the stumbling that occurred after the fact, came in strong waves through my body.

I fell against one of the nearest walls, shoving my face into my hands - to try stop the dizziness. I felt someone sit down next to me, while I moved my hands away from my face.

"Drink this." Although I couldn't see who the speaker was, I did what he said.

He brought a flask up to my mouth and poured some strange liquid down my throat.

It took a few moments for me to feel completely okay again, but once I did, I realized that Luke was the one who helped me. He sat next to me with a small smile on his face. I returned the smile, enjoying his presence.

"Dani?" A shocked voice shouts at me from a few meters away. I take my eyes off of Luke and look in the direction of the yelling, and of course it's my brothers walking toward me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Albus grabs my arm and pulls me away from Luke, all while James calmly holds Luke back from me.

"I was busy over there!" I push Albus off of me.

"I told you to stay away from him. Why can't you ever just listen to what I say?"

"You're not my dad!"

"Even if I was, you wouldn't listen. You never listen to anyone, even the people who are trying to help you. That's why Julie was killed."

His loud voice, and malicious words hit me hard. I know that I've never listened to people, but I never thought it was that bad. The way that he brought up Julie's death so quickly and easily, was unexpected but wounding.

I grab my wand and push Albus up against the wall, holding my wand straight in his face.

"You will leave me alone. I don't need you in my life telling me what I've done wrong. All I need is Luke. So back off and never speak to me again, or I will not hesitate to curse you." He looks at me with disgust, confusion and a hint of fear.

"Hey? What's going on?" I turn to my left and see scorpius standing there.

"Better get going now, Potter." I say to Albus. He loosens himself from my grip, and scurries off to join his friend.

As I watch them walk off, James comes and stands next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, as I give him a death glare.

"They grow up so fast." He wipes away a fake tear, before walking off - giggling at his own joke.

"I think I need to show you something." Luke speaks from behind, and pulls me away from my original spot.

We walk for a while, until we reach the wall that opens up to the room of requirement - that's what's it's supposedly called.

We walk inside, and everything in there, is burnt to a crisp or to ash. I walk around, looking at all the different things in the room - not much could be identified, but what I could see, we're old brooms, some cabinets and a few burnt books .

"Why is everything burnt?"

"Everything was burnt in 1998, during the war. That's why it looks like this."

"Is it safe to be in here?"

"The fire went out a while ago, so we should be fine."

I look around for a few more seconds in silence, before something shiny catches my attention. Under one of the desks, lays an object that looks like a hair clip. I bend down and retrieve it.

Dusting it off - it looked like some kind of tiara, with blue jewels around it.

"That was one of the Horcruxes that Voldemort used, when he split his soul."

The fact that Luke just gave me, made my blood run cold, and instantly I dropped the tiara.

He laughed at my actions, but urged me to follow him, as he walked deeper into the sea of burnt items.

He stopped walking once he reached the large triangular cabinet.

"This is what I wanted to show you. Since you trust me, I thought I should show you, that I trust you too."

I look up at the large cabinet, wondering what it could be, and why Luke needed to show it to me if I've already seen it.

"This is a vanishing cabinet. It's what I'm going to use to bring Voldemort back. We needed something to help us travel to a time that we could bring the death eaters back, and I finally got the perfect thing."

I stare at him in shock as he holds up a very familiar object.

"It's a time turner, we're going to somehow incorporate it into the cabinet and hope for the best."

I open my mouth and utter the only thing that I could piece together.

"That's an amazing idea."

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now