•Chapter 34•

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Reggie had left, soon after our conversation came to a halt. He left me with a tight hug, and a warm smile. I spent the rest of my day upstairs, and alone. Nobody really seemed to notice, because they were all too busy with Fred. I don't blame them of course, they haven't seen him since 1998.

I was sitting in my moms old bedroom, looking out at the garden, that everyone was playing in. It was almost sunset, so the mixing colors of the fading sun, highlighted the joy on everyone's faces.

I got so distracted by the colors, that I had missed the disappearance of the guest of honor.

A small knock was sounded from the door, I quickly told them to come in, before turning my head back to the sunset.

"Ginny also liked the sunsets." Fred said from behind me. It did shock me that he was in my room, but it also made sense because I was the only one that he hadn't properly talked to.

"I know, my dad always used to tell me that she would watch them when she was still at Hogwarts. She made a big effort to just see the fading sun."

He sat down next to me, and took my hand, causing me to look at him once again.

"I have to thank you. You were the one who brought me back, without you I wouldn't have ever seen my family again."

"You could've? You're a ghost at Hogwarts, anyone who was at Hogwarts, could've seen you."

His face shows confusion, and shock, but soon enough it was replaced with a big smile.

"I suppose so. I know that later tonight, you'll be getting an ear full - from hermione and Harry, but whatever happens, know that I appreciate what you've done for me, and everyone else in the family. You're a good wizard." I smile at him, as he gets up and walks out. For someone who has only known me for a few hours, he does know what to say.

When the sun had finally gone down, all of the families started departing from the burrow, except Charlie - who didn't feel like traveling all the way back to Romania.

I knew it was a matter of time, before hermione, and dad arrived back at the burrow, and honestly I was so scared of what might happen. I technically did dark magic, so I could be sent to Azkaban.

Soon enough a loud, thunderous knock is heard on the bedroom door, it opens slightly - showing uncle George.

"They're back." I knew exactly what this means, so I quickly got up and walked downstairs, really to be put on trial.

When I got downstairs, there were more then a few members of the family in the kitchen, almost all of them had worried expressions on their face.

Dad and hermione were sitting close to the kitchen window, while uncle George and Fred sat opposite them - with a chair in between them (for me). Uncle Charlie, grandma, grandpa, uncle Ron and mum were all standing in the kitchen area.

I sat down between the two men and folded my arms.

"Dani, firstly, you have to know that I'm not going to try frame you, or assume the worst. However, I want you to tell me the complete truth - when answering my questions. Okay?"

I nod my head and gulp.

"How did you bring Fred back?" I look at uncle George, silently asking for permission to tell the truth, which he nods at.

"When I arrived at Hogwarts, uncle George sent me a package, I didn't know what it was, but it was a new invention of his. Desire crystals, they can replicate any and all desires, as I've learned. I first only used them for chocolate frogs, but after I got grandpa his old flying car back, I decided to test out some larger things. The only one I could think of, was Fred."

Aunt Hermione takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Dani, necromancy is apart of the dark magic category. When you brought Fred back, you might've not known it, but it is illegal." I look toward dad with a worried look, but his head hangs low.

"You and George are guilty of using dark magic."

"What?" George raises his voice.

"I'm sorry, but I'm the minister of magic, just because you're family, doesn't mean that I can just excuse the usage of dark magic. You will both be arrested tomorrow morning, your trials will be held within the next few days." She says simply as she gets up from her chair, and walks away.

"Wait!" Uncle Charlie screams. "How can you do that to your own niece? Sure she did that, but she didn't know what she was doing. The kid just lost her best friend, she knows how painful it is to loose someone and you're punishing her, for trying to help George. I'm sorry hermione, but if you're going to do that, I will do everything in my power to stop you. You are not taking either of them."

"Charlie, dear, this isn't anything that you can change." Grandma says to him.

"So you're okay with your son and grandchild, going to Azkaban, just for bringing Fred back."

"Of course I'm not, but hermione is the minister, she knows what she's doing." Grandma pleads.

We all stand in silence, too afraid to say anything. Aunt hermione, finally sits back down.

"What you two did, was irresponsible and frankly dim witted. If you hand over these crystals, I can try make a plea bargain."

Everyone In the room, seemed to sigh a breath of relief. Uncle George bumped my arm, indicating that he wanted me to hand over the crystals.

I put my hand down my shirt, to retrieve them, but nothing was there, I looked around the floor, but there was nothing there.

"They're gone." I whispered.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant