•Chapter 14•

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Since my father was one of the main contenders in the second wizard war, I was raised knowing every single detail of what happened. My whole family told me their own point of view on that time, at some point in my life. So I do understand how devastating and dangerous the war was - and with that comes the very simple fact - anything regarding Voldemort is dangerous and will possibly be even more devastating for the wizarding world.

In-between classes the next day, I decide that I shouldn't take any chances with these boys and whatever they have planned. Does the fact that two of them are possibly related to death eaters make me even more weary of them? Yes, of course it does. I'm no expert in telling which people can be trusted and which can't, but one thing is for sure, I'm not taking the risk of loosing everyone I love.

I make my way up the staircase - toward the headmasters office, and knock on the heavy door, waiting for a command, to enter. Unfortunately the command never comes, but what does happen, is the door opens, revealing Professor Longbottom and Professor McGonagall. They look like they were having some kind of meeting, so I do feel bad, for interrupting.

"Miss Potter? What can I do for you?" McGonagall says.

"I'm sorry that I didn't ask to meet you first, Professor. But I'm afraid that the information I have, could possibly be very important."

"Do come in, miss Potter. You don't mind if Professor Longbottom stays, so we can continue our discussion after your information is given?"

"Not at all professor." I smile and walk inside. I hear that Longbottom closes the door after I have entered fully.

"So miss Potter, what information do you have for us?" McGonagall sits behind her desk and looks at me.

"Well, I have reason to believe that some students are involved in the darker side of the magic world, and plan to bring back that evil into this school."

"That's a very serious accusation. What made you believe in such a thing?"

"Well, it's been little hints throughout the year, but I got the biggest hint two days ago."

"Would you please elaborate on the 'hint' you got, miss Potter?"

"Well, I was on my way back to the gryffindor common room - I had been visiting Hagrid and lost track of time. But when I entered the castle, I heard some voices talking about some strange things, they happened to bring up something about needing more time before an event could happen, I wasn't sure what to think of it, so I asked one of the boys yesterday, about what they were talking about. He didn't give much information, but he said something about Voldemort, and seeing as 67% of the boys who are involved in the conversation - are possibly apart of the death eater families, I fear that it might be something dangerous going on." When I finish both McGonagall and Longbottom are looking at me as if I have three heads.

"You're saying that some students, that have a history of death eaters in their family history, might be planning something evil, because you heard them talking about Voldemort." McGonagall simplifies.

"Yes, in simplified ways."

"Miss Potter, I understand your uncomfortableness with the new students, and I understand how their heritage can make someone feel uneasy, but these allegations that you have presented are serious, and I'm sorry to say but you don't have any hard evidence."

I look at Longbottom to see if he agrees - he's usually someone who's as empathetic as they come - but to my dismay, he agrees with the headmistress.

"But aren't you worried about them discussing Voldemort?" I ask.

"Professor McGonagall, if I may?" Longbottom asks for permission to intervene, which is given to him. "Voldemort was killed many years ago, there isn't a way that he can come back, even if their was, the ministry would know about it, and would be able to stop it. If you are so worried about these students, then I'm sure that professor McGonagall can have someone take a look at them, but if this is just because you don't like them, you shouldn't waste people's time." I look at him with hurt and decisive that the teachers aren't gonna believe me, the only real people I can trust would have to be my friends.

"You're right professor. It would be wasting people's time to look into it, I'm sorry I bothered you, I'll just be going now." I turn around on my heel and head for the door.

"Miss Potter." I hear McGonagall call from behind me, which makes me turn to look at her. "If you ever have solid proof that can aid your accusations, don't hesitate to contact us." She smiles - but I just continue walking out and toward the gryffindor common room, to get my mind off of what just happened.


Tomorrow I won't be able to post another chapter - our internet will be down the whole day - so I'll be updating two chapters, the next day.

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