•Chapter 31•

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It's been a few days since the whole Christmas Day incident. Dad and aunt Hermione had gone straight to the ministry, after dad told her what I had said. They were making it their mission to track down the three boys, and yet, that night when they returned to the burrow, they couldn't find the boys anywhere.

Malfoy left soon after dad had returned. Nobody thought twice about it, but I knew that he was going home to secure the boys.

I did feel guilty that I had told dad what they did, as Reggie and Alex seemed innocent, but after what Luke did, I never had a choice.

I've also been grounded at the burrow since Christmas Day. Turns out that leaving information out about a possible murderer on the loose, will get you grounded for a very long time.

The last few days, something had been playing on my mind - something that dad had said.

'Sometimes we wish that some kind of magic was made to bring back people, but unfortunately, there is no such thing'

I could help but wonder if uncle George's invention was perhaps the answer.

Guess today was the day to find out.

I walk down the stairs to try find grandma - everyone had slept over the day of Christmas, but all returned home the next morning.

I walk into the kitchen and see grandma reading the daily prophet.

"Granny? Can I ask something?" I try use my sweetest voice on her.

"You're not ungrounded." She said, not looking at me.

"It's not that, I just never gave uncle George a Christmas present, and I was wondering if you could help me. I've been thinking about his twin a lot recently. I was thinking that maybe I could do a picture collage of the two of them? If you have any pictures of them?" Grandma looks at me, and I can see the tears in her eyes. I know that Fred #1 has always been a touchy subject in this family, but he is also apart of it, so why not speak about him?

"Yes, I'm sure I have a whole box of photos in the twins old room, it's in a maroon box under the bed. You should find what you're looking for in there." She goes back to reading the newspaper as I smile and head upstairs to their old bedroom.

When I get inside, I make my way onto the floor, and look under the bed for a maroon box. Sure enough, I find it closer to the back of the bed.

When I pull the box out, and open it, I'm greeted by a lot of pictures of the twins together. I've seen a few pictures of them when they were younger, but honestly I never realized how similar they looked. I'll have to ask grandma how to tell them apart.

I close the box and head back to the kitchen.

"I need help again." Grandma eyes me at my words - and puts the newspaper down.

"If I'm going to be doing a collage, I need to know which twin is which, so how do you tell them apart?"

Grandma smiled at me, before tapping the seat next to her. I sat down quickly, putting the maroon box in front of me.

Grandma opens the lid and takes out a few pictures of the twins.

"Honestly sometimes I got confused between the two, luckily it got better when they got older. Especially when George lost his ear." She laughs at the thought.

She places a few of them onto the table in front of me.

"Fred's face is a lot rounder then George, his face is a little longer then Fred's. She points to a few of the pictures, telling me which twin is which. Fred was also shorter then George. George always made fun of him for it, even though Fred was older."

After a few minutes of pointing out small details of the twins - that separated them, I think I had a pretty good idea of which twin was Fred.

"Thanks grandma, I'm going to the garage to see if there's anything in there that can help me with this project." I walk out the house and make my way to the garage, but not for the purpose that I said to grandma.

As I get inside, I place the photos of the twins down, onto the table in the middle of the space.

I quickly pull out the vial of crystals, and shake one of them into my hand. I look at the photos one last time, before closing my eyes and imagining the young Fred to appear before me.

When I open my eyes, I see that the crystal is gone, but there is no Fred in sight.

I sit on the table, disappointed in myself for not making this work. But I hear something crash behind me. I jump off the table quickly, and get my wand out.

"Lumos." My wand shines brightly into the corner of the garage, and yet, there is nothing there.

"Fred?" I call out.

"Who are you?" A confused voice says.

"My name is Danielle Potter."

"Potter? Like Harry Potter?"

"Yes, Harry Potter is my father."

Suddenly a bright orange head pops out from behind a chest of drawers.

"I'm Fred Weasley." He says wearily.

"I know, you're my uncle."


"My mother, she's your sister. Ginny?"

"Ginny had a baby?"

"Yes, she had three actually. I have two older brothers, James and Albus."

"Where's my family?"

"They're all at home right now, I can go get them if you want me to?"

"Only George."

"Okay, only George. You stay here and I'll be right back."

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