•Chapter 13•

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It's almost 7 am - which is pretty early for me, but I walk down to the great hall to find the three people who seem to be causing me a lot of stress the last few days.

When I see Alex, Luke and Reggie sitting at a table, I go up to them, sitting down next to Reggie - with the other two opposite us.

"What were you talking about last night?" I say bluntly.

"Good morning to you too Potter." Luke looks at me with a smirk.

"Cut the crap, what were you talking about last night?"

"I do believe that, that isn't any of your business. It's a family matter and last time I checked, you weren't apart of the family." Luke tries to make me go away with his sarcasm but I direct my attention toward Alex.

"You were talking about Draco malfoy last night, does that mean you're related?"

"I thought I told you to go away, Potter." Luke says.

"Fine, but this isn't the end of it." I get up, faking my annoyance. I know exactly what I'll do later, without Luke to stop me from finding out.


It had now come to dinner time, and my plan was about to go into full effect. I see Reggie and Alex sit down at the Hufflepuff table, and that's when I make my move.

I sit down next to Reggie.

"Hello." I say with confidence.

"Hey, Potter. Back to invade our privacy some more?" Alex asks.

"No, I'm actually here to apologise to you two. Luke tends to make me angry when I speak to him, and I don't have enough patience to remain calm with him - and unintentionally, snap at you two. So I am sorry." I think to myself that the nougat in front of Reggie looks delicious. I see him look at it, and that's when I know he's locked into my thoughts.

"It's fine, we're not used to people even acknowledging us when Luke's around. So it is nice that you know we're there, even if it is just to be nosy." Alex smiles. I turn my head and see Reggie is still focused on the nougat.

"Well that's all I wanted to say. Would you mind if I take a piece?" I point to the nougat as I ask Reggie. He looks up and nods at me. I take this opportunity to put down the nosebleed nougat - curiosity of dear old uncle George - while I take the normal nougat. I take a bite and thing 'this is the best nougat I have ever eaten. I see Reggie watch me, and then turn back to the nosebleed nougat. "Right boys, I'm off, enjoy your dinner."

I walk back to the gryffindor table and sit down next to Julie. I keep watching Reggie, waiting for him to take a bite.

"Why are you watching the Hufflepuffs, do you have a crush?" Julie says with shock.

"No, I just offered them some ordinary nougat that my uncle gave me." I keep watching Reggie.

"You didn't just give an innocent Hufflepuff nosebleed nougat, did you?"

"I can not confirm, nor deny." Suddenly Reggie picks up the nougat and takes a bite, I watch as his face scrunches from the sour taste that it has, yet he still eats it - probably trying to convince himself that it is really good.

I watch as the first drop of blood falls from his nose. Alex is the first to notice, he shrieks as the next few drops fall from Reggie's nose. I watch as he informs Reggie, and Reggie gets up, and runs to the bathroom to fix the nosebleed.

I say goodbye to Julie and walk to the bathroom - where Reggie is trying to stop the bleeding.

"Just give it a few minutes it'll eventually stop." I say, he turns around in shock, but calms down when he sees that it's me. "It's best if you sit down, so you don't faint." He sits on the floor, against a wall, and I sit next to him.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"I'm afraid I did this to you, feel a bit guilty if I'm honest."

"What do you mean you did this to me?"

I pull out one of the packages of the nosebleed nougats and hand it to him.

"Why would you do that?" He seems genuinely betrayed.

"I needed to speak to you alone, but I couldn't get you alone without causing a huge scene. I know Alex hates blood, cut my finger in class once and he nearly passed out."

"What did you need to talk to me about?" He is clearly annoyed at me, yet he's still interested as to what I have to say.

"About what I heard last night." As soon as I finish, he gets up and walks to the door. "Colloportus!" I shout, locking the door.

"That's not fair, I left my wand on the table in the great hall."

"I promise it's just a few questions. Pretty please. don't make me use the Veritaserum potion, I really don't wanna do that to you."

He looks at me for a minute before walking back to the spot where he was sitting, and pats the spot next to him, showing he wants me to sit with him.

"So that's a yes?" I watch as he nods at my question, "what do you need more time for?"

"Lucius malfoy, gave us three a mission. It's why we can only come to school now. It's why we missed so many years of school."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you." He sighs.

"Can you give me a hint?" I smile at him.

"Voldemort." He says and my mind goes crazy. "That's all I can say." He adds. He gets up once again, and makes his way to the door. I quickly get up and reach for his arm - to pull him back, but my hand goes right through him. He looks at me in shock, as I share the same expression.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." He walks through the door and leaves me alone in a creaky old bathroom.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now