•Chapter 33•

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"I need to be at the ministry this morning, I don't have time for waiting, so please George, whatever you have to tell us, make it quick." Aunt Hermione groans as the whole family lines up outside the house, while uncle George and I stand in front of them.

"Don't worry, I promise it'll be worth it." I smile at her, before giving a knowing look to Artie - who is standing next to her.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I think I should just come out and say it. As you probably all know, Dani didn't get me a gift on Christmas, as she could only get it yesterday. Let me tell you it was definitely worth the wait."

I watch grandma, who has already started crying tears of happiness.

"Fred you can come here now." Uncle George says loudly. Everyone turns to Artie, knowing that his old name was Fred.

"Not me, you guys." He says with a smirk.

Suddenly we hear the front door open, and out walks Fred. Everyone goes silent. Most of the cousins looked confused, but all the adults - are filled with confusion, shock and happiness.

Angelina is the first one to run for Fred, now knowing that Fred was her boyfriend before uncle George, I can tell that she feels guilty about marrying him, obviously she doesn't regret it though.

"Fred?" Charlie was the first brother to lunge for Fred, all of the rest of them seemed to be in shock.

"Hey Charlie, you've gotten old mate." Fred teases.

Eventually everyone had a turn in hugging and welcoming Fred back.

"How is he back?" Aunt Hermione asks uncle George.

"Well I would love to take the credit, but unfortunately, it was this one who made it happen." He pats my head and aunt hermione stares at me in shock.

"All three of us are having a conversation tonight, this is something that I've never seen before, so I need to talk about it, so clear your schedules. I'll see you after work." She kisses uncle Ron goodbye, before her and dad head off to the ministry.

Everyone else huddled into the house, to spend time with Fred, and to introduce the cousins to him.

"Can I go play outside while everyone chats?" I ask uncle George.

"Of course you can." He smiles at me and I quickly walk off, just trying to clear my head about actually being successful in bringing Fred back.

"Hey there." I hear someone say above me. I look up and see Reggie, still wearing grandmas jumper, flying on a broomstick.

"What do you want?"

"I thought we were friends now?" He flys ahead of me, hops off his broom, and waits for me, to walk with him.

"Sorry, things have just been a little stressful. But you shouldn't be here. I had to tell my dad about you, he's busy looking for you, Alex and Luke."

"I know, which is why, I've made myself invisible to everyone except you and the other two boys. I would've brought them with me, but they're mad at you for telling Potter."

"I could care less what those two think. They killed my best friend."

"Well technically only Luke did." I give him a glare and he instantly gets the hint. "Right. Sorry. So, how was your Christmas?"

"It was okay, malfoy spent the day with us."

"So that's where he was."

"How was your Christmas?"

"It was lonely. Draco ended up separating the boys and I, now we all have our own rooms. We aren't allowed in the other guys' rooms. So I spent Christmas alone. But it's okay. Also I should thank you for the jumper, it's very comfortable."

"You're welcome, did the other two get theirs?"

"Alex is in love with his, but I haven't seen Luke wear his, so I don't know. He's been a lot quieter lately. Ever since, well you know."

"Maybe he feels guilty." I try defend his actions can even

"I don't think so. I've known him since he was born and that's not likely."

"Well in my mind, he's sorry. It'll bring me some kind of closure if he's feeling empathetic."

"So who was that guy, that everyone was crowded around?"

"My uncle Fred."

"But he's young? I didn't know Molly had anymore kids."

"She didn't. He died during the battle of Hogwarts, I brought him back yesterday."

"What? You can't bring someone back from the dead."

"Well, I did. And now everyone is extremely happy." I lower my head.

"You aren't."

"Well yeah, bringing him back, was more of a personal experiment. If he came back, and wasn't a zombie or something. I could bring back Julie. Unfortunately I am now banned from using the crystals."

"What crystals?"

I reach in my shirt and pull out the vial, I hold it up, just enough for him to see.

"It's my uncles newest creations, they're called desire crystals, they can do almost anything, and that includes necromancy."

"But necromancy has always been a failed field. Nobody is ever truly been successful in bringing back someone from the dead."

"Well, I think that's changed now." We walk in silence for a while. Just taking in the cold air, and the freedom of being able to walk around.

"I have to admit, I never saw you as someone that would dabble in the dark arts, with harry Potter being your father and all."

"I'm not dabbling in any dark arts." My voice was snappy and high pitched.

"You brought someone back from the dead. In the ministry's eyes, that's dark magic."

That's why aunt hermione was so uncomfortable. It does make sense, but surely uncle George would've told me if I was in the wrong. Either way, I'm probably going to hear it when aunt hermione gets back from work.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now