•Chapter 56•

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I have to admit, that while I was walking to the astronomy tower, I did try and talk myself out of it, seeing as how badly it went last time, I wasn't sure that I wanted to risk my life again. I did continue walking there, because I did promise nick that I would be there, and now that he knows that Luke is guilty, he perhaps won't blame me.

I walk cautiously up the stairs, with my wand firmly in my hand.

I look toward the balcony, as that is usually where he stands when we meet up here, but there's nobody there.

"It felt to high after last time. Was scared that I might fall off." I turn around and see nick standing there, looking disappointed.

"Usually when someone dangles you over the edge you get a fear of it." I say back, trying to come across like I was mad at him, when in reality I know he had every reason to be mad at me - all the signs were pointing to me being guilty.

"I'm sorry about that. I was just angry and you know I'm not good with controlling my anger."

I walk over to the only bench in here, standing against the back wall of the tower, and sit down, patting the space next to me - so nick will join me.

"I honestly thought that flynn would've been the one to get physical with me. Who knew the Hufflepuff had it in him." I smile shyly at him.

"Everyone has it in them, there's just a point, where everything seems to fall around you, and you can't do anything about it."

"I know how that feels, but I think you should know that you can trust me."

"I just had my doubts. Didn't help that everyone around me was saying that you killed her, Flynn was the only one saying you didn't, which helped for a while, until she started to believe it too."

"I wouldn't hurt Julie. I wouldn't hurt any of you."

"Well I know that now, but peer pressure made me think otherwise."

I grab his hand, and hold it, while leaning my head on his shoulder.

"So, Luke Longbottom really did it?" He whispers, and I can instantly tell that he's on the verge of tears.

"He's done a lot of things, but I don't think he's a bad guy." Nick almost snaps his neck with how fast he turns it to glare at me. "What? I've spent time with the guy, and yeah he's messed up, but he's doing it for a reason, he's just trying to make someone proud of him."

"Do you think he'll be sent to Azkaban?"

"No, it's impossible." He frowns at me, but I try change the subject as quickly as possible, before he can ask questions. "What are you doing over the summer?"

"Probably just spending time with my dad, you know how he's been wanting to go to America lately, so we might do that."

"As long as you bring me something." I tease him. He looks at me, after rolling his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were with someone." Someone says from the staircase.

"It's okay reg, what do you need?"

"I was hoping to talk to you about what happened with Luke, but we can do it some other time."

"No it's okay." Nick gets up, letting go of my hand as he does so. "I need to get some studying in - have a test in charms today." He smiles at reggie, before turning to me and kissing me on the cheek, until he finally makes his way past Reggie, downstairs.

"What did you need to talk about, Reg?"

"I just wanted to say sorry. I knew Luke's plan from the time we got to the school, but I didn't do anything to stop it."

"We're all okay now, so I say we put the past behind us, and make things work."

"You're too good for us. We've cursed you, hexed you, made you drink potions to be able to control you, and you still forgive us."

"You're right. I should completely hate your guys." He looks scared, as if he just set off a switch in my head that they're all bad people. While my face had been in a angry position, I could only hold up my act for so long when Reggie looked so terrified.

"I'm kidding, you were all just led by someone who was fueled with the need to make someone proud, not your fault that he only wants to make Voldemort proud."

Reggie gives off a small laugh, but I can tell that he still feels bad about manipulating me.

"How about we have a sleepover tonight. I'm sure I can convince my roommates to let you sleep in our dorm tonight."

"Boys aren't allowed in girls dorms."

I groan at the stupid rule that Hogwarts has in place.

"Fine, we can spend the night in the common room, I think we both need a relaxed time, so this'll be perfect for us."

After a few more persuasive words, Reggie finally agrees to spend the night with me.


"So what do you wanna do?" I ask him as I snuggle into the pillows of our recently made fort, that stood high and tall in the gryffindor common room. I was sat on the right side of the fort, while Reggie was on the left.

"We could play truth or dare?" He suggests, although he's definitely not actually into the idea.

"But I'm comfortable!" I whine.

"Fine then only truths. Well go one by one."

"Okay, you go first."

"Who's your favorite brother?"

"Teddy, and he's not even my biological brother."

"Then why is he considered to be a brother?"

"After his parents died, my father helped raise him, he just grew up with us, so he just seems like a sibling of mine."

"He seems like a good brother, especially since he agreed to the whole marauder thing - he really did nail being Remus. Very believable."

I thought for a moment, thinking how hard it must've been for him to see his mum, and dad but not actually be able to meet them. I wish I could change that for him.

"Okay my turn." Reggie seems exited now, which is a good sign.

"Do you wish your mum was still alive?" And I know that with that simple sentence, I've completely destroyed the mood that has just been so exciting.

He thinks for a moment, before opening his mouth.

"I don't know really. I do wish I had a mum, it would've been nice, but I know she wouldn't have been the mum I needed. She was so infatuated with Voldemort, that I don't think her real family crossed her mind."

"I'm sorry, reg."

"No it's okay, I just always see how happy everyone is with their parents nowadays, and I just wish I had something close to that."

"Maybe you could have something like that. I'm not saying that she would do it, because obviously I can't speak for her, but my grandmother is always complaining that she doesn't have children in her life anymore - obviously she has my cousins, brothers and I, but she needs kids in her house at all times to keep her busy. I think that maybe I could ask her if she could somewhat adopt you?"

"Funny joke Dani."

"I'm serious Reggie. Honestly she would love you, so I don't see any reason for her to not take you in."

"You would do that for me?"

"We're friends, we're supposed to look out for each other."

He lowers his head, in what seems to be shame, but he soon composed himself to look up at me once again,

"We should get some sleep."

"Good idea."

"Nox." I say which causes the only light source -coming from my wand - to switch off, leaving Reggie and I in complete darkness.

We don't say anything to each other, as we fall asleep, but I was too busy in my own dream state, to feel a hand grip onto the one thing around my neck, that I had sworn to protect.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now