•Chapter 27•

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"We have to bring back Voldemort."

My eyes widen, and my mouth pops open.

"You can't be serious? Do you know how much trouble that will bring?"

"Of course I do, but like I said, it's something that we have to do." He gets up and walks away quickly, leaving me in complete shock.

I must've been sitting there for a while, because when I came to, I saw grandma from across the field, shouting my name.

"Danielle Potter, you get into this house right now!" I jump up and race into the house.

"Definitely a Potter, always annoying people." Uncle George mutters as I walk back into the house, with grandma following behind me.

"Says you." I sass him. He gives me a smirk, and that's when I know it's time to start running.

As we're running around the first floor, grandma yells at us, to not forget that the whole family is coming to the house tomorrow, because it's Christmas. We both acknowledge her words, all while still running around. Eventually I trip up one of the steps, when I try run to uncle Ron's old room, and of course George, picks me up, throws me over his shoulder and spins too many times to count, making me extremely dizzy.

He puts me down carefully, and I instantly fall to the floor because of the spinning room.

"That's what you get for being a smart ass."

"At least I'm some sort of smart, but what are you?" I reply with a sweet smile.

"Enough you two, it's like George and Ron, constantly fighting over the silliest stuff. Now, you two be quiet, I'm going to bed, and if either of you wake me up." She threatens us. She walks upstairs, and uncle George and I hold in our laughter, but as soon as she is out of hearing range, we can't help but let our giggles out.

Uncle George walks toward the kitchen table and sits down, still chuckling to himself. I follow him and sit down in front of him.

"So how did you like my gift I sent you?" He asks me, making a cup of tea appear in front of him. It takes a second for me to realize that he was talking about the desire crystals that he sent me.

"Well I only used them once, I was just incredibly busy with all the classes, and homework. But So far so good. Though, I have to ask, do you know what the capabilities of the crystals are?"

"After a few more tests, I figured out they have little to no limitations, they can give you what you want, when you want it. The possibilities are endless." He sips his tea.

"Then you realize you can't sell these, if these get in the wrong hands, it could be horrific."

"Which I realized, when I was doing my testing. I know a lot of people think that my business is just stupid Knick knacks, and harmful bombs for kids, but I would never put something out there that would harm someone else. I hate to admit it, but I made a mistake sending them to you, they could've been taken so easily - by someone who wouldn't have used them in the correct way. However," he leans forward and crosses his arms. "If you can promise that you will be responsible for those crystals, and you won't allow anyone else to use them, you can keep them. Just don't tell grandma."

I smile widely at him and thank him profusely.

"Seeing as we're both responsible, maybe we could see what some of their capabilities are?" I hint toward him.

"I would, but it's getting late, and we have a big day tomorrow. I'm going to head off to bed, but feel free to experiment." He gets up and walks up the stairs. When I hear his door close, I pull the necklace out from under my shirt, and open the cork on the tiny bottle, before sprinkling some of the tiny crystals onto the table top. I close the tiny bottle and focus my attention on the little crystals on the table.

I pick a single piece up, and hold it in my hand. I think of the first thing that comes to mind - uncle George's "fever fudge" and a few moments later, a box appears in my hand.

I smile at the box, and place it down on the table. I pick up another crystal, and try to think of something bigger. I always remember dad telling me the story of the time that he and uncle Ron stole grandpas old car, and it was completely broken after they crashed it. I think of the flying car and a few moments later, I look down at my hands and see that the crystal is gone, but there is no sign of the car.

Well uncle George, you might've not found any limits, but I sure have. I put the remaining crystals into the bottle once again, and head upstairs to get ready for bed.

When I get to my room, I pick out some clothes, and change into them. When I'm finished, I sit on the windowsill and stare out at the moon that was just about - in eye sight. I see something on the ground that wasn't there before, I grab my wand and open the window.

"Lumos." A light emits from my wand and onto the ground. I gasp at the sight.

The flying car?

Guess it really doesn't have any limitations.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora