•Chapter 49•

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It had been exactly two weeks since I showed up in 1978, and I've had no contact with the other two boys. I've seen Reggie at some of the feasts, but he never makes an effort to come speak with me, and when I try talk to him - he makes a quick departure from the great hall. It is frustrating, but I can understand why they need me to focus - by them not contacting me, it leaves little room for distraction. Alex also hasn't been seen since we arrived, for all I know, he could be dead or missing, but I am just hoping that he'll be back soon, so we can all go back.

I've gotten quite close with the marauders since I arrived, I'm now sharing Lily's dorm with Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, and Dorcas Meadowes - even though I'm only technically a 4th year - Dumbledore made the exception. Unfortunately, getting close to them, makes my task a lot harder. I know it's my duty to kill James, but he doesn't deserve it, and I know that If I kill him - my father wouldn't be born, and obviously I would cease to exist.

I had just finished my last class of the day - McGonagall suggested that I take a few simple classes, just so attention won't be drawn to me - as I complete the mission - when I found myself walking into the courtyard that I had originally found myself playing out my first Oscar worthy performance.

It seemed all too quite, but it was a nice atmosphere to come up with my plans, so that's what I did. I had some parchment - curiosity of lily - that I began to scribble some ideas onto, while sitting on one of the stone benches placed around the grounds.

"You've blended in nicely." I look up from the parchment, and see Alex standing there, looking disappointed but happy to see me.

"Where have you been?" I raise my voice at him, while I stand up, to show my annoyance.

"I said I would be gone for a few days?"

"A few days means one or two, not two weeks."

"It took longer then I expected." He slumps down onto the bench that I was formally sitting on.

"So it's done, whatever you had planned?"

"No, we came to a year that is useless to us. We needed to go further into the future - sometime after the Potters die.although i knew it wouldn't work I tried to explain to Bellatrix - I thought maybe she would let me explain, but she cursed me, trapped me in the dungeons at malfoy manner, starving and torturing me, up until a few hours ago."

I deflate onto the seat next to him - not really knowing what to say.

"How's your job going? Have you done it yet?" It feels like the answer to this question is helping Alex keep sane.

"Alex, you have to understand that I can't do it, he's my grandfather for gods sake."

"You want to completely destroy our plan, for someone you'll never meet anyway?"

"Alex, without James, my father won't be born - I won't even exist."

"That's a risk you're just gonna have to take."

His voice had gotten a lot deeper, as if he felt threatened by what I had said. I stand up, not wanting to be too close to him right now, scared of what he might do to me.

I watch him grab his wand, and even though I know what's coming, I refuse to move.

"Imperio!" He shouts, aiming his wand at me. I feel my body go stiff, as if I've lost all control over it. "Hold out your arm. Reggie you can come out now." I do what he says, making him grip my arm, with his own.

I watch through the corner of my eye, as Reggie steps out from the shadows, making his way toward us, with his head hung low.

"Do it, Reg." Alex commands.

"Danielle Potter, do you swear to alex malfoy, that you will kill James Potter, by the time the moon rises, tonight."

I try my hardest to say no, but all that comes out is a simple "Yes."

Just as Reggie is about to finalize, what I realized was the unbreakable vow, a voice is heard from a few meters away.

"Hey! what are you doing here, this area is out of bounds." Alex grabs Reggie - before he can finalize the spell, and they both run away , breaking me free of the imperious curse. I fall to the floor, still feeling as if I have little control over my body. 

"What are you doing here. Professor Dumbledore said this area was out of bounds for the week." I tried to lift my body up, to acknowledge him, but I could barely keep my eyes open. "Are you okay?" His voice turned into one of worry. He turned me over, so I was facing upwards, and tried to help me up, but of course my limbs weren't working with me at this point.

"Let's get you to madam pomfrey. She can help you." He picks me up off the ground - carrying me over his shoulder, which isn't very comfortable for me, but honestly I don't really care at this point.

Somewhere along the walk, I ended up falling asleep, probably from all the blood rushing to my head.

I soon woke up, laying in the bed in the hospital ward - I looked around, out of curiosity, and found the same boy that saved me, sat in the chair next to my bed, reading a book.

I gave a slight cough, catching his attention. He looks up at me, and when he saw that I was awake, he put his book down, and straightened his posture.

"Madam pomfrey said you were under the imperious curse. I didn't see who those boys were, but I figured I should stay here and find out who they are, when you wake up." I blink a few times, and wipe my eyes - hoping to clear up my vision.

"It wouldn't matter, they have ways of getting out of trouble." I mutter.

"I suppose I wasted my time then." He gets off the chair, grabs his book, and starts walking out.

"What's your name?" He stops in his tracks, and turns back to me.

"You don't know who I am?" It wasn't a remark of arraignment, he was genuinely confused. I shook my head, making him look at the floor. "That's a little shock to me, I've seen you with my brother, I suppose he doesn't talk about me as much as I thought."


"My name is Regulus, my brother is Sirius."

"Oh, I didn't know he had a brother."

He gives a tiny smile, before his face flattens out, as he walks away.

"Thank you for helping me." I shout, not really knowing if he could hear me.


I'm gonna be taking a two day break from updating - my moms going in for surgery so I won't be able to actually write anything more. I'll be back soon enough with more chapters.

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