•Chapter 24•

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James and Albus stayed the night, because they decided to accompany me and uncle George to Weasley wizard wheezes, the next day.

"I just don't understand why we have to get up so early." James moans as we all enter the kitchen.

"It's 9am, it's not early." Albus is not a very friendly person until about 2pm.

"Now be nice, I don't want your uncle telling me you three, got in fights with each other while you're working today."

"Don't pull me in this, it's in the male Potter genes to fight with one another. You know 'must assert dominance'." I smile at grandma as she gives me a look.

"When are we leaving anyway?" James groans in grandma's direction.

"Whenever you three are ready, you're going to use the floo powder to get there." She grabs some dishes off of the table and puts them in the sink.

"I hate floo powder, it always makes me want to hurl." James mimics.

"If you did it the way we were taught, then you wouldn't feel that way." Albums mutters, and her James still hears him. As shown by James slapping albums over the head.

"Let's get going before you two kill each other." I grab some floo powder, wave goodbye to grandma, before transporting myself to the shop. Finding myself in the fireplace, of uncle George's office, I crawl out and pat myself down so I don't look so dirty.

"Finally the potters have arrived." I look up and see uncle George standing against a wall. I hear James and Albus both enter at the same time, and when I look at them - just like I expected - they were covered in the black soot from the fireplace.

"Ready to get to work?" Uncle George asks me, I nod and walk out his office, into the main showroom. It felt like a long time since I had been here, in reality it had only been a few months. "There are some new inventions in the back that you can check out if you want, I'll keep your brothers busy. Im sure these floors could do with a waxing." I laugh at his insinuation, as I make my way to the back of the store - also known as the lab. I know when the store first opened, Fred stayed back here, but since he didn't need it anymore, it was turned into a inventions/inventory/laboratory room.

I walk in and see that's it's a complete mess, lucky for uncle George, I love this space, and seeing it so dirty, makes me quite upset. Which is why I spent the next hour cleaning the room, until you could practically eat off any surface.

Just as I finish, James and Albus walk into the room, and flop down on the sore couch in the room - where people usually sit on their breaks.

"What's up with you two." I watch on as they sit there, flopping around, all while taking deep breaths.

"Georgie is working us to the bone, it's no fair that you're his favourite. You barely did anything." I stare at James in shock.

"Excuse you but I just spent the last hour cleaning this entire room."

"It doesn't matter, we're all working and clearly we're all tired." Albus compromises.

I sigh in defeat and take a seat on a stool near the work bench.

"Dani?" I look up and see Uncle Ron peeping his head into the room. "There's a boy here to see you, he said it's urgent." I furrow my eyebrows, who could possibly be here to see me?

I walk out and look around, searching for whoever was looking for me. Then I spot scorpius looking at the love potions.

"I heard you were looking for me?" I say to him. He looks at me with confusion.

"I wasn't actually, but it's nice to see you. I'm surprised you're here after what happened."

"I really don't want to talk about that right now."

"Scorpius! I don't need you spoiling our reputation even more, by associating yourself with another Potter."

"Good afternoon to you too mr malfoy." I greet him, but he just gives me a dirty look, before turning back to his son. I remember as soon as I see him, that the information I was given on 'Alexander malfoy', said that they had the same parents. Hopefully I can get him alone, to ask him about it, hopefully it's just a mistake.

"Get your friend so we can leave this horrible store."

"Albus is in the back with James." I tell scorpius as he makes his way there. I celebrate on the inside a little when scorpius finally leaves us, this is the perfect opportunity to ask him.

"Mr malfoy?"

"What, Potter?" He spits.

"My name is Dani actually, and I have a question that relates to your family. I would've asked scorpius, but I don't think he would know."

"Why would you need to know about my family? I do believe that it's none of your business."

"It probably isn't, but unfortunately this has been bothering me since I found it, and there's really no harm in trying to find answers, now is there?"

He thinks for a second before he mutters in an annoyed voice. "Proceed."

"Well, recently I found a document that had a lot of information on a certain person, and this person seems to be connected with your family, in some way." He listens closely, and this is when I realize that he probably won't give me the correct answer but it is worth a try. "The person in question, is someone named Alexander malfoy. I believe he was your sibling."

I watch as Draco, clenches his jaw, how he instantly folds his arms and averts his eyes.

"I'm afraid that I don't have any siblings, that document must be false. I don't have any relatives named Alexander." He turns away from me and walks out. I stay in my spot and wait for scorpius and Albus to walk out the shop, when I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"He was lying."

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora