•Chapter 51•

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These are the letters mentioned in the last chapter, for the marauders, regulus, and lily.


To Regulus Black.

By the time you read this, you probably would've forgotten about me. I'm the girl you saved - the one under the imperious curse. My name is Danielle Potter and this is going to be a wild letter to revive, so I'm sorry about that, but I do feel as if it is necessary. I know very few things about you, but from what I do know, if that you're a hero. To my understanding, right now, you are a death Eater, which I hold no judgement toward - but I do need to warn you of your future. At this moment you serve Voldemort, but I know that soon after you leave Hogwarts, your allegiance will change. You are destined for great things, but being under the authority of Voldemort is not something that will aid you. You must be wondering, who I am to tell you these things? But I promise you, that you just have to trust me on this. The reason I'm writing to you, is because, I don't want you to not be remembered for your greatness, and if you carry on, down the path you're currently following, you won't be remembered for the goodness in you- not even by your brother.

All I can leave you with now, is a spell, that I highly suggest you learn - "Incendio". It is a useful tool when battling the undead.

Danielle Potter - 1997

The marauders.

James, Remus, Sirius and Peter.

The last few weeks, since I've arrived here, have been unforgettable - you have all made my time here, a lot easier and way more fun, then I thought it would've been.

I should mention that by the time you receive this letter, I will be gone - back to my original year. Knowing James, he'll probably drag you all around the school, to look for me, but it's no use. I've made sure these letters are only delivered to you when I leave. It is hard to say goodbye, but I know that In the future I will see you all again.

I am sorry for leaving so quickly, but if I don't do it now, I think I could definitely put all of you in more danger then you already are in - with my hesitation.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your seventh year, and try not to give poor lily too much trouble. If you have any spare places left in your group, I suggest you look into Alex Malfoy - he's not related to that Lucius guy yet- but he seems like he needs some kind of good in his life, and I think you all would be a brilliant influence on him.

As you've probably already seen - I've written you all separate notes - I ask that you never share these with anyone (that includes Dumbledore and your parents or siblings) - that information given to you, is so important to keep secret, that if you share it - I don't think that any of you will live to be older then 21.

I'm afraid that in the future, I will not remember meeting you, it is only in 2020 - that I will be able to speak with you about the events of what happened this year. When I see you again, I will make sure to give you a hint that I was here. See you all soon.

It's hard To say Where Anyone will be in the next few yearS. THE only thing, that we know for suRe - is thAT friendShIp will always go hand-in-hand with a gut feeling. neveR dIsbelieve yoUr inStInctS. always be prepared for what Is to come, wether it be bad or good - is yet to be determined. always questioN what you see arouNd yOu, and never Causally bElieve what you see. Never let down your guard. To the future - WE shall ever KNOW.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon