•Chapter 16•

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I need to tell professor Longbottom about this, no matter how late it is right now. I put on my robes and grab the letter, before heading downstairs and heading to the herbology class, hoping to find the Professor there.

I hear Jules shouting at me as I exit the common room, but I ignore her and carry on with my travels. As I walk to the class, I keep reading over the letter, is it possible that the boys' information got mixed up with someone else's?

Suddenly I feel my body collide with a larger one.

"Why are you out so late again, Dani?" I look up and see Albus.

"I could ask you the same thing." I sass.

"You really shouldn't be out here right now, could be dragons lurking about." He teases.

"Very funny, I have to go see Longbottom so if you will excuse me."

"Didn't you hear? Longbottom got called into the ministry today, apparently he's involved in some kind of crime." Albus says.

"Longbottom? Involved in any crime? That man wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Tell that to the ministry, they're the ones calling him in."

"I'm sure it's nothing, he'll be back tomorrow I'm sure."

"Maybe, but for now you need to get back to your common room." I turn away from him and start walking away, "oh, and stop walking around at night."

I look down at the paper once again, as I walk back to the common room.

"Dani?" I hear from my left. I look up and see the three boys standing in a side room.

"Hey." I say hesitantly.

Luke walks past the boys and straight up to me. Luckily when I heard Alex call me, I hid the papers, so they couldn't see that I had them.

"Heard you basically assaulted Reggie for information on us, even though I told you to butt out." I look toward Reggie - to give him a glare, but I notice he has a black eye - probably from Luke.

"Actually you told me to ask you directly, but you were in a mood, so I couldn't. So I just asked Reggie."

"Because you knew he was the easiest to break." Luke spits.

"Calm down, I just want to know what you guys are about. You're all weird and kinda mysterious. Makes me wanna find out everything about you."

"Well you can't, or else I would have to kill you." I laugh hard at his statement, thinking it's a joke, but when I look up I realise that he's completely serious. "Now if you will excuse us, we have business to attend to."

"No, wait." I say reaching out for his arm to pull him back. But just like Reggie, my hand goes straight through him. I look at my hand in shock, while everyone else also freezes.

For a few minutes we all stand still, not knowing what to say.

"Why the hell did my hand just go through you!" I shout.

"It's because you're dreaming." Reggie says quickly.

"Nice try, but I'm not." I reply. "Why can't you just tell the truth? If you did, I would leave you alone. But because you're being secretive, I'm just going to keep annoying you."

Luke looks toward the boys, who nod at him.

"You meet us on the edge of the forbidden forest - near Hagrid's house, tomorrow. We'll tell you everything." Luke says smoothly. I look at him and I instantly tell he's lying, the little fart brain. I hear Reggie giggle, clearly he's reading my mind.

"Fine, what time?" I ask.

"12am" he smirks.

"You're joking? I'm not going into the forbidden Forrest at midnight." I try walking away, but he walks in front of me.

"I'll protect you." He winks and calls the other two, before he makes his way, to the Slytherin common room.

I quickly finish my journey back to the gryffindor common room, and when I get there, Julie looks beyond stressed.

"Where have you been? Do you know how much stress we were both under, waiting for you to get back?" Flynn shouts, appearing from thin air.

"Okay dad." I walk straight past her and toward the stairs. I start walking up them, but am stopped by James blocking my way.

"Can you please get your Slytherin out of here, she isn't welcome." He says, clearly half asleep.

"I'm not kicking her out, she gets mad when I do, but you can try." I push past him and lay down in bed. I can still hear James and Flynn arguing downstairs, and laugh at them, before changing and heading to bed.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now