•Chapter 47•

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"Oddsbodikins." I say whilst standing in front of the fat lady. She looks at me, then instantly turns her nose. "Hello? Let me in lady."

"You need a password to proceed." Her nose still in the air.

"Are you kidding me? I just gave you the bloody password."

"Having some trouble there?" I turn around and see the four marauders standing there, looking happy and somewhat cocky.

"The stupid woman won't let me in! I'm a Gryffindor for Pete's sake!"

"Well did you give her the password?" Sirius asks with a smirk.

"Of course I gave her the password. Old hag still won't let me in."

"Let me try." Remus steps forward, "Baubles"

The door swings open, leaving a very smug looking Remus lupin, to stare at me.

"I forgot I was in the past." I push past all the boys, and looking around the familiar common room, I realize that nothing has changed.

"Look familiar to you?" James asks me while he hangs up his scarf on one of the pegs near the door.

"Yeah, it looks exactly the same actually."

"That's Hogwarts, old fashioned and scared of change." Sirius comes over to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Unlike when James did it, Sirius' attempt just felt like a weird way of flirting, and it was nowhere as comforting as James. I shrug him off as quickly as I can.

"So, are you off to bed, or are you staying up a bit?" James asks me.  I walk over the the couch, closest to the fireplace and sit down.

"I think I might stay up a bit, besides the adrenaline will keep me awake anyway."

The boys all seem to crowd around me, waiting for the right moment to bombard me with all these questions that they have - which I would be glad to answer, except for peter. He is the reason that my dad grew up without parents, and it's why my father spent most of his childhood in an abusive family.

"You can ask now." I say quietly, leaning my head on my hand, which is rested on the arm of the couch.

All at once, the boys start screaming at me, asking so many questions, I couldn't possibly keep up.

"One at a time, please. I don't have 50 ears."

"James should go first, since he's family." Remus suggests, patting James on the shoulder. I assume James already told the guys that he's my dad - even if it's a lie.

"I don't really have a lot of questions, well I do, but I know the guys will ask them too, but I have to know, if I'm your dad, who's your mom."

"Are you sure you wanna know?" I can't help but think it might over excite him, and then ruin the whole love story between James and lily.


I can see the hope written all over his face, hope that will definitely come true if I say nothing, but it might go wrong if I tell him.

"Lily. It's why I knew her name." James face lights up, showing pure joy and success. The other boys loudly celebrate - as James jumps around the couch, dancing like a lunatic.

"It's late, you should all be in bed." Lily says as she storms down the stairs. James walks to her and engulfs her in a big hug.

"Already motherly." Sirius whispers, as he wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Sorry lily, we just were celebrating." Remus covers for the guys.

I could see the group's dynamic more clearly now that I've spent more then a few seconds with them. James is the leader - confident, brave and kind. Sirius is the second in command - well respected, emotional, and definitely mischievous. Remus is third in command - always stepping up to apologize for the others, understanding, yet extremely mischievous when with the other three. And Peter was just a follower of the other three - loyal to a certain degree, a coward and always scared of what is to come. It is sad to see how their personalities helped aid in their deaths, but I guess that's how life works.

"Celebrating what?" She asks - clearly more intrigued then ever before.

"You're a mother." Peter shouts out, we all turn to him, ready to attack.

"No I'm not? Not yet at least." She scoffs, still clinging to James.

"Well then let me introduce you to Danielle, aka the second child of lily and James Potter." Sirius pushes me forward, so that I'm standing right in front of my grandparents.

"Funny joke guys, seriously you all need to get to bed."

"They're telling the truth lily."

Lily instantly believed James, they had the kind of relationship that was based on full trust, and it was clear that they never steered each other wrong.

Sirius ended up telling lily all about my recent arrival at Hogwarts - mostly curiosity of James. She couldn't believe it at first, but when he had finished the story, she hugged me as tight as she could.

"I have so many questions for you." She looks into my eyes, with a bright smile.

"Get in line." Remus sasses.

For the next hour, we all sat on the couch, talking about what they would all look like when they're older. I tried to keep quiet, because honestly I didn't know what all of them looked like exactly - although I had a basic idea.

"Any other important questions?"

"Sirius said you were the second born Potter, so you have siblings?" Lily asks - her hands still holding mine.

"Yeah, only one though. He's kinda the reason I'm here."

"What's his name?" James asks.

"Harry James Potter."

We all sit in silence, the truth about the potters future sets in.

"Friends for 11 years and you don't even name your kid after me." Sirius huffs, making us all burst out laughing at his unprovoked rage on the subject.

The guys had a few more silly questions, but we eventually called it a night. All of us stood up, stretching out.

"Prongs, you have the map right?" Remus says in a panic.

"Yeah I have it right here." He pulls out the marauders map, and my eyes go wild.

"The marauders map!" I grab it quickly, inspecting the plank piece of parchment.

"Bet you don't know how to use it." Sirius chirps.

I grab my wand, from the inside of my boot, and tap the map while saying "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

The map suddenly bleeds into its form - something that I haven't seen before.

"Wow." I breathe out the breath I had been holding.

"Well that just proves that you're from the future, nobody here knows how to use it, not even lily." Remus was shocked at how quickly I opened it, but also impressed.

"Yeah, though I have to admit, I never say it in use. It never worked after Remus di-" I quickly cut myself off, before I realized what I had said.

I turn toward Remus, to see his face filled with horror and disbelief. Well so much for not spreading the events of the future.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now