•Chapter 55•

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Alex, Reggie and I, were all escorted to McGonagall's office. We were to wait there until another teacher told us otherwise. Although we were all free to talk to each other, none of us dared say a word.

After about an hour, the door to her office opened, revealing my dad.

"We need you in the great hall." We all hurry out of the office and follow along toward the hall, not really knowing what to expect.

We were all sat at the gryffindor table, a dozen aurors surrounding us, with Luke sat at the front of the hall.

"Right, we've already discussed the events of the last few weeks, and mr Longbottom has admitted to placing mr Lastrange, and mr malfoy under the imperious curse, while placing miss Potter under multiple potions, including Amortentia and the adversus elixir. Because of these conditions, you three will not be sentenced, however mr Longbottom, will be severely punished." Hermione explains. I look toward my dad, his eye catches me for a second, before he looks down in shame.

Everyone's heads turn as heavy and rushed footsteps come from the entrance to the hall.

"I don't mean to be rude hermione, but is it necessary to walk me at 1am?" Professor Longbottom says as he walks toward her.

"I'm sorry Neville, but this involves you, it would be rather unfair to leave you out."

Professor Longbottom - Neville looks around at us, with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why are these students here, it's late they should all be in bed."

"Did you know you have a brother, Neville?" Dad steps forward.

"You must have me confused Harry, I don't have a brother?"

"Neville, I'm sure you are already familiar with Luke." Hermione motions to Luke, sat in front of everyone.

"Yes, he's one of my students."

"Hello brother." Luke says with an evil cackle.

Nevilles face drops, and he pulls Harry aside, and the two start talking in hushed whispers.

Hermione decided to draw attention away from the two, and direct her attention toward Luke.

"Mr Longbottom, as your crimes are so severe, I have been granted permission, as minister of magic, to sentence you, how I see fit. Therefore, I sentence you to life in Azkaban, you will be taken their immediately."

My stomach drops, at how cruel his fate will be, but my pity for him, is soon cut off by his loud laugh once again. Dad and Neville return to the larger group, having finished with their own conversation.

"Is something funny Longbottom?" One of the Aurors steps toward Luke.

"It's just funny, how I'll be the first ghost to be imprisoned in Azkaban. Tell me, how exactly are you going to restrict me to my cell?" He was getting more cocky by the second.

Hermiones face falls, she obviously hadn't known about what Luke was, and now that she does, it completely messes up her plan.

"Then, mr Longbottom, you are now forbidden to leave the castle, your magical abilities will be revoked, until the ministry comes up with a suitable punishment."

Luke's face goes blank, as if all the cockiness that he had attained over the last hour or so, had been snatched away in a few seconds.

"Harry, if you will please confiscate mr Longbottoms wand, and perform the correct charms, we will be out of their hair in a jiffy."

Dad marches up to Luke, and begins to complete his orders, while hermione walks over to Alex, Reggie and I.

"I owe you all an apology, especially you Dani. We had no idea what was going on, and we should've found out more, before we judged you so harshly."

"Why the hell was I not notified about his existence?" Neville marches up to hermione, not caring about the fact that three of his students were in front of him.

"He was dead Neville, there wasn't exactly a record to go off of. Besides the ministry wouldn't have even known if it wasn't for Dani."

Neville's head turns toward me, and he calms down a little bit.

"How did a 15 year old figure it out, but the whole ministry doesn't know?"

"Neville we're dealing with a lot right now, we can't check for things that we didn't even know existed."

"I want him under my care, he's my brother - he's my responsibility."

Neville stomps off, still very worked up over the fact that at 40 years old, he just found out he had a brother.

"Dani, I should also tell you that from tomorrow, you will be reenrolled into Hogwarts." I give her a smile, as she starts walking away.

I look over to Luke, who is still sat in the chair upfront, and for once he actually looks defeated, and slightly disappointed in himself. Still his very recent burst of emotion, can't excuse the fact that he did all of that to Alex, Reggie and I.


The next morning, McGonagall canceled the first two classes of the day, in order to have an emergency school meeting - I assume it was to let the school know about Luke.

Everyone in the school, had somehow already heard what had happened, so all eyes were on me, they would've been on Alex and Reggie too, if they had actually shown up.

I was one of the first people at the gryffindor table, which was not my smartest idea. I watched the entrance of the hall, to try and see if I could spot nick and Flynn, in hopes that we could talk about things later. I watched as the both entered, but went in separate directions. For some reason, nick was walking toward the gryffindor table, instead of his own. I watched as he walked up to me, and handed me a folded up piece of parchment, before walking off again.

I looked down at the paper, after unfolding it, and dealing the message.

Meet in the astronomy tower after this, we need to talk

I look up, toward nick - to find him already looking at me, and I give him a slight nod to signal that I would meet him, which he returns with a small smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I can please have your attention." Everyone in the hall turns their heads toward McGonagall. "As some of you already know, last night, Hogwarts received a visit from the ministry, and the minister herself. Now there have been many rumors going around on what happened, and I am here to fill you in, on what had happened."

She gives a full account on what happened last night, luckily she doesn't mention Alex, Reggie or me by name - but everyone knows that it's us anyway.

"And last of all, because of the circumstances that have occurred so close to exams - the staff and I have decided to cancel exams this year, as I'm sure you are all too shook up at the news to focus on them anyway. You are all dismissed."

Everyone hurries out of their seats, wanting to celebrate the cancellation of exams, and the two hours that we have free. I sit in my chair, waiting for everyone else to leave, before I make my way to the astronomy tower.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ