Classical Rock

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"Eh, n-nothing's shaking! Heh-heh!" Demo replied nervously.

Aggie then told him, "Oh, really? You see, Demo, I've been through these experiences before. Remember my birthday few days ago? I know the feeling when someone's nervous or lying. So, I know there's something shaking."

Demo then started to sweat one drop from his forehead, and quickly put it back inside her hair, "What? No! It doesn't!" He grabbed his guitar case, and ran off.


While Demo was running, his eyes glanced up, which Aggie noticed as she flew besides him, following him.

"Ah-ha! You just glanced up, up as in Classical Crest! This has something to do with the Classical Trolls!" Aggie guessed.

"How are you even doing this, man?! You don't have magic yet," Demo then explained how he knew about Aggie being less magical, despite having her True Colors already, "Okay, Queen Barb told us. Your tribe is weird and complicated to understand, you know,"

Aggie looked down to think what was the connection between Demo and the Classical Trolls, "That's it! You've been sneaking off to play Classical music with the Classical Trolls!"

Demo shushed her, "Sshhh! Fine. You've figured it out! Now, you get out of my head, you cute, rainbow lady wizard."

"Don't call me lady, and I'm not a wizard. I'm more of a 'Magic Musical', but absolutely!" Aggie whipped her hair.


"Come with me. I'll show you what I've been up to," Demo said as he and Aggie took the elevator to take them up to Classical Crest.

Once they made it into Classical Crest, Demo went on a stage and started performing.

"One! Two! One, two, three, four!" He played a classical guitar with the Classical Trolls watching.

Aggie gasped in awe, "It's a classical guitar."

"Indeed. You would never expect to hear such a delicate melody from a Hard Rock troll. But everything he does exudes classical," Minuet complemented appreciatively.

Demo finished playing the classical guitar, "That was called 'The Piercing Scream of the Flaming Skull'," He made a rock hand gesture before the Classical Trolls applauded, and he went to Aggie's table

"Demo, that was so gentle, so sensitive. Why would you keep that a secret?" Aggie asked.

"Because Hard Rock Trolls don't do gentle and sensitive. Especially Val. If she catches you doing anything that she thinks doesn't rock, you get...'the face'." Demo explained.

When the Rock Trolls did something nice and gentle to fellow Rock Trolls, Val did "The Face", which is so scary.

"I get it, Demo. It's hard to be vulnerable when you think someone's going to judge you. But you can't hide this. You clearly love classical culture," Aggie responded.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I said I like classical guitar! But there is no evidence I love classical culture!" Demo corrected.

Just then, Dante came over with a cup of tea. "Breathtaking performance, Demo."

Demo's hair changed in a classical hairstyle while he picked up a tea cup, "Many thanks, my classical brother," he responded politely before he and Dante lifted their pinky while holding the tea cup and sipping on the tea.

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