"What year are you going into?" I wonder

"4th, you?"



We get to the school and the boats stop so we hop off of them and stride to the entrance.

We get in and walk up a flight of stairs. We get to the top and a woman who calls herself Professor McGonagall tells us how the sorting process will go and she instructs us to walk in a single file line as we walk in.

    The enormous double doors open and we walk in. I'm scared to look around because all the eyes are on us and Me.

          We walk up to where the stool was and spread out around it so all of us can hear our names while they are called out.

  I gather the courage to glance around, I lock eyes with hazel eyes on the left of the room he looks at me up and down and grins. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks so I look away.

I can feel his pride radiating off of him.
I hear my name and walk-up the stairs and sit on the stool and I get a good look at everyone in the crowd and see someone totally different than the guy I saw before. Grey. Cold. Eyes. why was he fucking staring at me.

The hat gets placed atop of my head and says,

"Ahh I've been waiting for the last Rivera But that may change, the future still awaits. I see kindness and loyalty, From you. And I also see leadership and ambition. Hmm, this may be tricky, So I will let you decide your future. Slytherin or Hufflepuff Jessa? Choose wisely"

The whole room gasped at his statement. I looked to my brother for reassurance and he looked surprised just like the rest.

You get to decide your future, what. The. Fuck. The hat notices my anxiety and says

"You don't need to fear girl"

I think 'all of my family were in Slytherin, I have to be in Slytherin. But that would mean I would be stuck with my sister for the rest of the year.

"I don't know, I don't know!"


A wave of claps roar from a section of the room.

Professor Mcgonagall tells me to go over to the Slytherin table.

I slowly walk over to the Slytherin table and sit by my brother.

"Well at least you get to be with me" Liam slightly punches my arm.

A group of boys walk over to the table and I look around for Nia.

I find her sitting at the end of the table so I quickly get up and speed walk to where she was sitting.
Just to get away from those boys.

"Boys coming to shag you already huh"

"I guess so" I sigh

I look up to see Draco and these other two men I haven't met yet.

"Oh this is Draco, Blaise and Theo."

They all look up and Blaise smirks at me. ugh

"Hello there" Theo sticks his hand out and I put my hand out to shake his, but instead he places a kiss on it.

Draco scoffs.

I quickly take my hand off on Theo's.

"Sorry I just want to be a gentleman"

I chuckle "Well maybe It's just a bit to early to kiss my hand."

"Well I'm always up for a second try." He bows his head and smiles.

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see my sister coming. Could my chances get any worse?

"Well well my sister is in Slytherin house could've never seen it coming" She looks to her side while Pansy Parkinson laughs. And walks over to Draco.

"Hello Drakie" Pansy drapes herself over Draco.

Ugh this will be a long year.

Hello again :) I wanted to tell you that I am not Slytherin I am a Hufflepuff. I thought my storyline would work better if she was in Slytherin. So our Jessa may have some Hufflepuff in her BUT she still will hopefully have some attitude :)

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