"You know I could've done this myself." He whispers

"I doubt it."

"I know how to clean up a busted face Soph."

"Well I wish that wasn't true." I say softly as I dab the cut on his jaw with a wet rag.

"You knowing how to do this isn't any better."

"It's just cause of my brothers, they always used to get in fights, you know how bad Beck was." I say and sigh, "mom and dad got tired of him and he was always horrible when it came to taking care of himself, so I stepped in to help." I say as I apply some Neosporin to his jaw and lip.

"I guess you'll be doing this for me a lot then." He says laughing

"That's not funny, and if you come in here looking like this again I won't help you."

"Why not?" He asks offended

"Dayton you probably feel like crap, but this," I say indicating his face, "hurts my heart."

"I know," he says looking down at the tile, "and I'm sorry."

"Just get in the shower, we can check your back when you get done." I say running a hand through his hair

When he walks out I'm just starting on some notes for the next student council meeting. He's wearing a pair of Luke's old sweats.

"Go lay on the bed mister, face down."

"Someone's being a little naughty." He teases and I make a face

"You're gross, but I can see the scrapes on your back from over here."

As I finish patching him up we start talking.

"So you gonna tell me who beat the life out of you and why?"

"It was just some idiots at a bar."

"Ok, and why were you at a bar?" At this he blushes

"No reason."

"Whatever, just know that if you get caught and they put you in jail for the night I'm not coming to save you." I say and he laughs "Now are you gonna tell me why?"

"Just over some stupid money."

"How much?"

"No." He says sternly

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean I'm not telling you because I don't want your pity money. This is my problem not yours."

"First of all you obviously need that money and second this wouldn't be out of pity. This is definitely my problem, I mean you came home looking like this and that isn't my problem how?"

"It's just some money, I'll have it worked out soon enough."

"At least tell me why you needed the money."

"Just some bills."

"What bills Dayton? What bills could be so important that you get the sh*t beat out of you."

"It doesn't matter."

"Tell me."

"Hospital bills."


"My mom."

"Why couldn't you ask me for help?"

"Because I don't want your money Soph, we've already been through this." He says angrily

"I didn't have to give you money, I could've helped you look for a loan service or talked to the hospital. If this is for your mom you know my family would do anything to help, but now your in this mess and your mom doesn't even know does she?"

"No, and it's gonna stay that way."

"You are absolutely impossible."

"Sorry that I don't want to be some pretty rich girls charity case. If I needed that I would just go ask one of those thirsty girls at school."


"Whatever Dayton, just go to bed." I say and go back to doing notes.


I finally finish and go to sit on my bed.

"When I said go to sleep, I kinda meant in here." I say to myself

When I lay down I place my hand on the empty space next to me.

I guess I can only blame myself, how was he supposed to know I wanted him to stay. I was scolding him and getting an attitude, of course he would think I wanted him to leave.

Looks like I'm sleeping alone tonight, I relax into my sheets and close my eyes.

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