Chapter sixteen~ Owen

Start from the beginning


I was in the hospital and Beck and I had been in a crash.

"Mom." I said.

She looked up frantically, "Owen sweetie you're up. How are you feeling?" 

"Sore. How bad is it though?" I replied.

"Broken wrist and concussion. You and Beckham will stay out of football for a week or two.But I can get the doctors to bring you in some more morphine." She said.

I shook my head, which made it hurt worse.

"How's Beck? Is he alright?" I asked.

She nodded," Concussion and pretty bruised up, less severe as you though."

I groaned, "Ugh this is all my fault."

"It sure is, you're grounded for a month. I'm just glad you're alright." She added, "To some degree."

"When can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, if everything is still fine."

I looked at the flowers on the bedside table, "Um mom, has-"

She nodded, "She's in the waiting room. I called her last night."

I nodded.

"I'll go get her and let her know you're up." She said.

And then she left the room.

About a minute later a familiar face popped into the room.

She rushed through the doorway, "Ohmygod Owen, you terrified me. How could you be so stupid to drive like that."

I just shrugged and Hollis continued.

"I overreacted and didn't hear you out. If I had just listened then none of this would have happened to you or Beck." She put her face into her palms.

"Hollis calm down, okay? None it is your fault. I was just driving too fast, that's all. But maybe we should talk about yesterday. What's on your mind?" I said.

She looked up at me, " I don't know what exactly I saw but it- it was Breya. Relationships are about trust and  we're almost eighteen, almost adults. Point is that we're in a solid, mature, adult relationship and we should trust each other and not let stupid petty things get the best of us. I want to trust you and I want to trust us. I want to be in it for the long run, if you wanted that too."

I smiled and put my hand on hers, " I want that too Holls. I really do."

And that's when she smiled her big gorgeous smile and kissed me.


I was discharged from the hospital the next morning and figured out the whole car insurance thing, with help from mom of course. Then the "grounded" stage started.

I had planned out everything for December seventh; Hollis's birthday. I was going to take her out to a nice dinner and I had found this really nice hiking spot. You'd hike up to the top and there was this amazing view. Anyway I was going to get a projector to watch a movie up there but no, I was grounded. So plans changed.

I was only allowed to go near the house so I took her on a beach picnic again and we went surfing at sunset. It was fun and she was happy. And for a gift, I had made her a mix tape of all her favorite songs. Her "perfect playlist" she called it.

And after that it was only school and back home and then the occasional football practice. Week after week.

Now it was Christmas break though, I was officially ungrounded since yesterday. Tomorrow was Christmas.

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