"In a week, that's," He thinks. "A week before Halloween,"

"Yup, anyway, I should let you go."

I stand up and give him a quick peck before turning to leave.

"Wait, another one for good luck." He grins mischievously.

He pulls me in and leans down, locking me in a trance of lust.


You ponder in the library, wondering what to do.

Should I apologize to Draco?

No, I'm always the first to speak out.

It's not fair that I'm always the one trying to salvage our friendship.

But; I miss him.

Though we have fight all the time, so we'll be fine, right?

Maybe, I will apologize.

No, if he really cared, he would apologize first.

If he really was your friend, he would apologize first.

He could sacrifice his pride for you, right?

You were worth it, right?

You give up studying due to your distracting though, pack your things, and leave the library. As you walk out, Professor Slughorn stops you.

"Miss Y/L/N?"

"Yes, professor?"

"I've been meaning to talk to you, walk with me."

The two of you walk side by side through the corridors.

"Every time I remember to talk to you, you've already left my class."

"Oh, I'm sorry professor, I didn't know th-"

"No need to apologize; however, I simply wanted to invite you to a dinner party that I'm hosting."

"A dinner party?" You ask, caught off guard.

"Yes, alongside other select students, of course."

"Uh, I'd be honored to join, professor; count me in."

"Wonderful, I shall see you Friday night in my office."

"This Friday?"


"Mhm, thank you for the invitation, professor."

"Your very welcome, Miss Y/L/N." He replies before walking away.

"Select students? Who else got invited?" You wonder to yourself before walking to the Slytherin Dungeons.

Draco Malfoy

I sat on my bed reading a book as the door opened. Blaise walks in, returning from the match.

"Did you win?" I ask, setting my book down.

"Yeah," he replies as he undresses out of his quidditch clothes and into sweats.

"Bet Marcus is glad," I respond, uninterested.

"He's elated; we still won't be able to win the cup, which is bloody annoying."

I return to my book tuning out Blaise's endless complaining about this year's quidditch season. And how I shouldn't have quit, since I was the best seeker.

"What are you going to do about Y/N?" He asks, taking my book and setting it down, grabbing my attention.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't be a git; you haven't spoken to Y/N in almost two weeks."

"Your point is?"

"Aren't you going to apologize?" He asks, furrowing his brow.

"I have nothing to apologize for; I didn't do anything wrong."

"Do you need me to spell it out for you?" He replies, irritated.

I stay silent.

"You at least feel bad, right?"

"Yes, I feel bad, Blaise. I feel bloody awful; I don't even know how any of the words came out." I respond, cringing at each word.

"Then apologize." He groans, bouncing onto his bed.

"I can't."

"And why not?"

"I just can't."


This chapter is exceedingly short, for which I apologize. This is kinda more of a weird filler type part before the next part. I promise that in the next part, I will return to my usual amount of words. I just wanted to hold off on the coming situation because it would've seemed rushed had I put it in now. Once again, I apologize, and don't forget to vote :)

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now