Chapter Twenty-Six: Flourish and Blotts

Start from the beginning

"I need this," she scolded him at pushed his body back. "If you would have just moved the first time we wouldn't have this problem."

He rolled his eyes, moved to the bed, and fell back asleep.

She took out her quill and began to write her letter to Hannah.


I just got the school supply list. My Grandma is taking me and Atlas to get our school stuff on Thursday, and I wanted to know if you would meet us there? It's okay if you can't, but just let me know as soon as possible by return owl.


She rolled off the letter and was about to go get Tillie when a thought popped into her mind. She remembered what Fred had written to her weeks before.

"P.S. I know school lists come out soon, so let me know when you are next in Diagon Alley. I want to make sure I don't miss you."

Gwen took a deep breath, she had already sent Fred a letter today and didn't want to send him two in a row without a response back. She didn't want to give him the impression that she was too eager to see him, especially when she would see him Friday on the Hogwarts Express. At the same time, however, she was eager to see him and she did say she would let him know when she would be in Diagon Alley.

He is the one who asked to know, she justified. I am simply responding to him.

She plucked up the courage to write him a second time.

I know I wrote to you once today, but I found out I'll be in Diagon Alley on Thursday.

"Hmm, It sounds a little forceful don't you think?" she asked Phoenix, who snored in response. "You're right." She ripped off the top inch of parchment and started writing again.


Two letters in one day... surprise! We just got our school lists, and I wanted to let you know we'll be in Diagon Alley on Thursday. Maybe I'll see you there, and if not I'll see you on Friday.


She looked over the letter again. It didn't seem to be too excited or forceful to her, so she brought both the letters downstairs before she changed her mind about sending Fred's.

Thursday came quicker than she had anticipated. Hannah said that she would join Gwen and her family at Diagon Alley that afternoon and that she had a surprise for her. Fred hadn't responded to the second letter she had sent, although he did respond to the first. It was possible that he had received it after he wrote her back, but either way, his lack of response made her fear that she had made a mistake.

Over breakfast, her family began to discuss the plan for the day.

"We will need to stop at Gringotts first, then we should make sure you guys both have robes. After that, Gwen, you can get the books for yourself and Atlas and Flourish and Blotts, and we'll go get Atlas her wand and anything else she would need," Angela said as she waved her wand and began clearing the plates from the table.

"I told Hannah I would meet her outside Florean Fortescue's at eleven," Gwen started.

"You can wait for her there with Atlas while I get some money from the vault then."

"I don't understand why I can't go?" Cyrus pouted.

"Because annoying little brothers will just get in the way," Atlas stuck out her tongue at him.

"Attie!" Gwen shoved her cousin's side.


"You know what," Oliver scolded. "Plus, I need your help here, Rus. I can't search for Horklumps all by myself after all."

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now