'These boys are incredible. I didn't need to tell them a natural stance would be the most effective. With minimal advice, they've already mastered the technique. Magnificent... and terrifying' a roll of eyes but a thought of agreement.

"Slowly open your eyes. How do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm surrounded by some kind of warm mucus" your choice of words would never cease to amaze me.

"Yeah, like I'm wearing weightless clothes"

"Continue to maintain those images. Once you've assimilated them, you'll be able to use Ten while asleep" once those words were spoken, Wing slouched slightly and a heavy aura covered him, making those around him feel it.

"Next, I will hostile Nen against you!" and exactly as he said, more of the heavy aura covered the whole room, while the three boys feel attacked, Saiki watched with his normal gaze and sighed. The aura was not as thick and heavy as the one that was always targeted at him, but it was still heavy nonetheless.

"Previously, it would have been painful for you to stand within this" stated Wing as he kept his focus.

"Yeah. I understand your blizzard analogy now" nodded Killua, Gon had silently agreed with the silver headed friend.

"If you can fend off my Nen, you'll be able to break through his barrier! Here I come!" yelled Wing as he intensified the Ten aura. Saiki just sighed, but still watched with interest. Another dramatic flare.

'Looks like they did it just in time' said Saiki as he saw the two boy's still standing. However, Saiki may have accidentally linked his mind to Zushi, making the poor boy frightened.

_Heaven Arena_

Back in the same hallway, a deck of cards had been thrown to the same wall by a familiar pink headed jester who was in the waiting. By throwing another card, he stopped and stared down the hallway where Gon and Killua stepped in, making Hisoka smirk with glee. Saiki hid behind the wall. With no said warning, Hisoka flared up an intense Ten aura, and aimed it at the two boys. Let's just say that they are both standing on their two feet with no fear, as they walk forward.

As the two got closed to the light from the dark hallway, the jester stopped the aura. A wild smirk was formed once again. 

"Welcome to the 200s. It appears that I needn't bother with traditional greeting. I can guess why you've come to Heaven Arena. You intended to train before challenging me..."

'That was the set plan, but then you had to show up' walked in Saiki with crossed arms. A wink. A frown.

"But, that saved me time" spoke up Gon, getting in front of Saiki, followed by Killua. A chuckle.

"You should avoid being overconfident in your ability to use Ten. There is much to learning about Nen" a small show.

"To be honest, at present, I feel no urge to fight you. However.... if you managed to win a single match in the 200s, I shall accept your challenge" informed Hisoka before he walked away.

'You two, go, I need to prepare for my next calling. Link me if anything' told Saiki as he patted the twos head before heading to his assigned private bedroom. With small nods, the two left to the registration area.

As the two walked away, Saiki turned his head to where the flickered of a light cam from. As the light dramatically lit up, three figures were shown. Now, Saiki had a messy meeting with the trio, but in the end, he still won. 

"Newcomers? Friends of yours?" taunted the one in the wheelchair with huge wheels.

"Looks like it" taunted the man in purple clothing.

"Seems that they can use it"


With a snarl, Saiki faced the trio with anger. Knowing those three, Saiki knows that they would pick on them and fight them.

"Aw, the little kitty_ack! ah!"

'Careful what your saying your pig! I can rip your whole entire body in pieces and that wheelchair would be useless. Your body will be scorched by the blazing sun and your screams will be music in my ears. Your cloak would be ripped right in front of an audience, your heart will be in my hands while you try to reach for it. The audience will cheer for me as they see your last dying breath. No one would stop be from killing you three, not even the government. Touch them, and I will surely and gladly do those things. Do I make myself clear!!!!!' growled Saiki, his voice becoming louder in their heads, a high pitch sequel can be heard in their heads, making their ears bleed as well as their nose, The building shakes with every words the psychic says, the lights are going on and off, the wind outside picks up and howls with anger.

Knowing that they had received the message and knowing that they are terrified, Saiki slowly made his way to them, making himself a threat in their eyes. As he walks by them, he knew that their muscle tensed up. Smirking, Saiki gave each and every one of them another look before disappearing in the darkness.

Once he made sure that they won't do anything, Saiki let out a sigh and rubbed his throat. Sure he had not used his throat in a long time, but it was still his voice and the pain came from his throat. Shaking his head as he made his way towards his room, Saiki suddenly stopped when a hand grabbed him and pushed him against the wall.


"Hello there precious. I enjoyed the little show you put on. Very exciting indeed" purred the jester as he leaned down to Saiki's height.

'Great, now if you excuse me, I want a decent sleep before my next fight. Do not bother me' and with a blink of an eye, the teenager was gone in an instinct. However, the jester just smirked and licked his lips. But, when the teenager made an escape to his bed, little Gon was fighting one of the trio who was still shaken up. Gido was the red cloaked fellows name, and he loss greatly to a child and a teenager.

~Toon in next time~

Hi Hi! Sorry for a very slow update, but it's the holidays and I wanted to take a small break from writing for a while. Any who, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and those in the future, Stay safe everyone! 


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