"Aww~" a couple voices cooed from behind him, causing the couple to turn and look.

There were Ashido and Kaminari, pressing their hands against their cheeks as they seemed to awe at the kiss. (Y/n) snapped at them as she pressed her hands against her hips, "You guys were supposed to try and put the hat and jacket on him after we kissed! Not go 'aww~'!" She mocked the way they said "aww".

Before Bakugo could say anything else, she snapped her fingers—the mistletoe sent flying at the two as it bounced off of Kaminari's forehead and caused him to drop the hat. As Ashido and Kaminari backed off, (Y/n) went over and picked the hat up off the ground.

"Did you just kiss me to help those two?" he asked as she brushed it off, walking back over to him.

"I would've kissed you even if they didn't ask for my help," she told him as she held the hat against her chest. "I know you don't want to, but it'd be nice for you to wear something—even if it's just the hat!"

Bakugo clicked his tongue, looking away from her as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He thought for a moment, letting out a sigh as he held out his hand. "Give it here."

(Y/n) broke out into a smile once again, handing him the hat and watching as he put it on. He asked her, "Happy now?"

She kissed his cheek before she went back to the rest of the class. "Very."

"We're a little late

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"We're a little late... I hope they didn't start already," a voice said as the door opened—revealing Mr. Aizawa and Eri wearing a Santa outfit (insert tears of adorableness ;-;).

"Tricky... Treat...?" she attempted to say, looking to Mr. Aizawa to confirm.

"Not quite. Wrong holiday."

(Y/n) exclaimed as she ran over with some of her classmates, "It's Eri Claus!"

She hugged Uraraka as they both exclaimed in near tears, "C-cutie-pie!"

While Mr. Aizawa spoke with Midoriya about Eri's growing horn, Eri held out a few painted eggs towards Uraraka and (Y/n). "The eggs are painted all pretty."

"No, no, no, that's for Easter!" Uraraka told her as (Y/n) pressed her hands against her cheek, pressing her lips together as she could barely handle the adorableness in front of her.

I swear, this girl is going to make me die of cuteness! I can't handle it! she thought before turning back around, walking to sit with the class as Christmas dinner was about to begin.

While they sang Christmas carols, Bakugo being fed a turkey leg by Sato, (Y/n) sat on the couch's arm near him. She watched as Midoriya helped Eri pick out some food she wanted, pressing her chin against her palm as she rested her elbow against her thigh.

Bakugo noticed this and as they were about to draw presents from a large pile using Sero's tape, he grabbed her by the arm before attempting to leave. She turned to him, still holding the present she had brought against her chest. "What's up, Katsuki?"

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