"I'm not a picky eater."

"You refuse to eat peas."

"Peas are disgusting."

"You also refuse to eat asparagus, cantaloupe, anything even mildly spicy. But, that's just the beginning, don't even get me started on-"

"You can shut up now. I get it," he mumbles, stalking away.

"Wait, where are you going? We were having a brilliant conversation," you exclaim as you chase after him laughing.

You run to catch up with Draco, and you decided to creep up behind him and pull on the hood of his jacket.

"What the fuck, Y/N?"

"Give me a piggyback ride," you reply in-between giggles.

"No fucking way," he scoffs.

You ignore his answer and hop onto his back, and you both fall down together in the crackling fall leaves. You lay on the ground next to Draco, both of you laughing uncontrollably. As Draco stands up, you push him back down and run away mischievously.

"I'm going to get you for that one Y/N," he shouts after you.

"Only if you can catch me," you tease, continuing to run.

You run all the way to Hogsmeade until you lose your breath.

After taking a few turns, you begin to smell sweetness, slowly beginning to infiltrate the air. You open the door to Honeydukes, the bell ringing as you enter. Immediately you spot the last tin of Sugared Butterfly Wings and run after them. As you place your hand on the shiny aluminum tin, another hand intersects your reach.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you going to take that?" The girl asks, quickly pulling her hand away.

"No, it's ok, you take it; I have some in my dorm anyway." You reply as you look up. "Wait, you're Endres, Paloma Endres, right?

"I- um yeah," she replies with her eyes wavering from side to side. "Do I know you?"

"Uh, no, you don't, but your dating Cedric right?" You ask awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, I am dating Ce-" she begins before being interrupted.

"I heard you say my name, my lov-" Cedric's sentence waning as he looked down to see you. "Y/N, it's uh, good to see you."

As soon as you make eye contact, your heartbeat rises, and flashbacks of the night perpetrate your mind. It was as if the two moments collided, and you immediately fell into a trance of fear.

"I'm sorry, I can't, not right now, I'm not ready." You stutter as you turn to leave, knocking down a display full of Cauldron Cakes.

You quickly leave Honeydukes suffocating under a cloud of fear and embarrassment.

"Wait, Y/L/N?" You hear Palomas annoyingly gentle voice calling you. "Please, just give me a second."

You turn to face her, acknowledging her presence.

"Look, I know I look stupid, and naive for dating Cedric," She continues. "Especially after what he did to you, which is inexcusable, and nothing will ever justify his actions."

You turn your heel, but she just doesn't stop.

"But Y/L/N, he didn't mean it. He truly didn't. You know him better than me even; you were quite possibly his best friend. He truly didn't mean to hurt you." She pleads.

For a moment, time stops, just for a moment, the statement ringing in your ears.

He truly didn't mean to hurt you.

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now