Chapter 97~ Familiar Faces

Start from the beginning

They walked away from their friends, Honey Lemon not missing the way Tadashi's eyes watched her.

He had done that a lot when they were dating. He would stare at her like she was his whole world, and usually it would get her to talk about whatever was on her mind. It couldn't work this time. How was she supposed to explain?

"Wow, not even the stare is working?" His voice sounded light, but concern was heavily laced behind it. "Something must really be wrong. Aiko... what's going on?"

Hearing her real name on his lips once again was too much for her. She burst into tears, and Tadashi's eyes widened as he reached out to comfort her.

"Okay...okay, we don't have to talk about it. But I'm here for you, Honey. I'm here."

I'm here.

"I know," she said, letting herself be gathered up in his arms once again. "You're right here."


Andy's head was numb. He didn't know if he would come to regret his decision, but he felt somewhat proud that he had managed to escape from Dr. Facilier's clutches unharmed.

He'd offered for him to go back. All Andy had to do was give his blood, and he'd be able to see Tadashi again. His best friend.

Andy has managed to resist. Giving blood to Dr. Facilier would only worsen the situation he was currently in, and he was lucky he had realized that then. He couldn't help but feel like he'd betrayed Tadashi somehow. He had the opportunity to go back and he had said no. Why?

Because it wouldn't be real, would it? Tadashi was dead in this universe, and this was the universe where Tadashi was his best friend. It didn't matter where else he went, it wouldn't be the same.

He'd walked off into the abyss, no clue where he was going. He felt like he'd been walking for ages, yet he had come across nobody.

Tears stung in his eyes, and he squeezed them shut as he trudged along the sparkly path. He needed someone, anyone to talk to at this point.


Andy opened his eyes to see Fawn laying on the path in front of him, scratches marring her arms and legs.

"Fawn," Andy murmured. "Fawn, what happened to you?"

He wrapped an arm below her back and propped her up, though she winced at the movement.

"Mordu," was all she said. "I was scared. Couldn't fly fast enough. Wasn't... wasn't strong..."

Her breath became short, her eyes flitting between being closed and open.

"It's gonna be okay," Andy said, though he had no idea how he was going to make sure of that. "Hold on Fawn, please."

Fawn's face scrunched up in pain, and Andy now noticed the tears running down her cheeks.

"Then... Frollo came. He said..." She looked up at him, brown eyes shining with tears. "He said the same things you said to me. Just in a different way."

Andy's heart dropped to his feet, rage filling his veins. How dare the villains twist his words and use them against Fawn. He could feel himself growing darker, getting angrier.

Yes, feel that anger.

Andy almost ripped his arm away from Fawn, thinking the voice had come from her. But it hadn't. That was... inside his head.

"They said I'm broken. Something... that needs to be fixed. And that's why I fix everything else. Cause I can't fix myself." She struggled to get to her feet, but she did it anyway, refusing Andy's help. "I don't even... I don't understand..."

She covered her face as she broke into sobs, and Andy hesitated. Maybe once, he could've reached out to hug her like a true friend.

But he'd ruined that.

Yes, just like you ruin everything. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Andy fell to his knees, an invisible force pushing down and holding him there. His hands went straight to his head, trying to stop whatever was happening to him.

"Andy?" Fawn said, her voice rising. "What... what's happening?"

Give up. Give up. GIVE. UP!

"Hold on, Andy! I can help you! Please, hold on!"

Fawn's voice was drowning out, the only words in his head being the one repeated to him over and over again. Who was this? Why did they sound familiar?

Trust in me, I know best, and what is best is for you to give up now.


"Fawn," Andy managed to spit out. "Help me... Goth...el."

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