Aang quickly shook off his shock, clutching his staff. He clutched it so tightly that Kira noted that his knuckles were turning white. "Where is he?! Where's the Fire Lord?!" Aang said angrily, hiding his still disbelief that she knew. How could she know? Aang was incredibly angry and a little scared. His anxiety had filled his up to this day and he was not about to go home without the Fire Lord being taken downs

Azula gasped in fake offense. Shaking her head, she looked at him. "What? You mean, I'm not good enough for you? Kira, here, isn't good enough for you? You're hurting our feelings." Azula stated as she stood up.

Sokka's frustration grew as he stepped out of formation. Kira got ready to fight him as he pointed his sword towards her. "Stop wasting our time and give us the information we asked for. You're powerless right now, so you're in no position to refuse." Sokka said, directing his statements to Azula. This annoyed Kira since she could still easily take the boy down with a flick of her hand.

Toph them broke the formation too to move closer. Kira wondered how she knew where to face before realizing she could see using the earth below her. That was interesting to her. "And, stick to the truth." Toph ordered the two, getting ready to earth bend. "I will be able to tell if you're lying." Toph told them confidentially. This made Kira smirk for once. If anything, her girlfriend was the best liar. The only one who could tell if Azula was lying was her. It took years of practice. Even Azula knew this. She knew only Kira knew when she was lying.

Putting her hands behind her back, Azula hummed in thought. Looking at Kira, she nodded. "Okay, little girl. Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar." She asked, looking at Toph. She was going to place her game. "I am a four hundred foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings." Azula concluded making Aang and Sokka look at Toph for confirmation. Though, Kira knew she wasn't going to get what she wanted.

"Okay, you're good, I admit it." Toph said sending earth hurdling her way, holding Azula within its grasp. "But you really ought to consider telling the truth anyway."

The rock shattered around Azula, and Kira immediately got her water ready since she knew what was next. Azula almost laughed as she dusted herself off. "When I left Ba Sing Se, I brought home some souvenirs. Dai Li Agents." She spoke as they landed in front of her, ready to do her bidding. They served her like they once served the Earth Kingdom. Kira was also ready to fight if she needed too. Now, with the water ready and the Dai Li agents at Azula's side, the trio began to get scared.

However, they chose not to show it. Aang sent a blast of air their way which was met with water being shot towards him and then a rock wall being placed to protect Azula and Kira. Now the fight has begun.Rock was thrown every which way as soon as Aang and Toph broke the wall down. Kira and the Dai Li agents were going to let Azula get hurt, even though she could handle herself as she flipped into the throne, sitting and watching until Aang began to fight her. Aang chased her, so Kira followed, stopping Toph in her tracks for a second.

Kira caught up, but the group struggled. Finally, Sokka got what was happening. "Wait! Aang, Toph! Stop attacking. Don't you see what they're doing? They're playing with us. They're not even really trying to fight." Sokka concluded. He felt very conflicted on what his next actions should be.

"Not true!" Azula claimed with a fake pout, placing one hand on her on her hip and the other on Kira's shoulder gentle before speaking sarcastically. "We're giving it our all. That's why Kira froze your friends feet for a second. To really give it some effort."

Kira held back a laugh at Azula's response. She watched Toph point in a random direction accusingly. Maybe the cold made it hard to pinpoint direction now. "You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time!" Toph yelled, she was upset. That much was clear in her voice.

Azula sighed, rolling her eyes. "Um, right. I think your friend just said that, genius. And since you can't see, I should tell you, I'm rolling my eyes." Azula stated, crossing her arm at the fact that Toph just caught on. She assumed that the avatar had a smart team. She must've been wrong. At least, the earth bender girl wasn't that bright anyways.

Kira did end up laughing, angering Toph more. Kira just couldn't help it anymore. "You know, you're pretty smart for someone on the opposite team, Sokka. You should consider joining us. As you can see, I'm a waterbender. I rose through rank. I'm considered many things. Sometimes a general, a guard, and Lady in Waiting. With a mind like yours, I'm sure you could rise in ranks too. You also will be on a team where everyone is actually smart." Kira offered but only to cause more of a delay. Azula admired the fact that she actually was catching on to the fact that she too could be the best word fighter.

After concluding that they were going to ignore Azula and Kira, the Avatar's team started walking away. This caused Azula to smirk some more. "It's a trap. Don't day I didn't warn you." Azula stated, watching them continue on. They were walking right into a trap.

"You know that's Sokka, right?" Kira looked over at Azula, knowing this got his attention. The fact they were talking about him. "The one you wanted to talk to."

Azula clicked in her tongue in realization onto who the boy was. The two knew his future reaction was going to be violent and prepared for it. "So, you're Sokka, huh? My favorite prisoner used to mention you all the time." This caused Sokka to stop. "She was convinced you were going to come rescue her. Of course, you never came and she gave up on you." Tears started to roll down his cheeks and Kira felt like they were beginning to take it too far. Still, she had to do what she could to protect Azula and the Fire Lord. It was her job. And, secretly, the Fire Lord put her life on the line.

Watching Sokka go and attack Azula, the girl pulled a knife. Only Toph heard it and used her earth bending to attach her to the wall. "Where is Suki?" Sokka questioned menacingly, staring at her with pure hatred in his eyes. Kira was a little shocked to see it. Looking away, Aang noticed the regret that Kira had in her eyes. He was surprised but then remembered that they needed to go. "Where's Suki?!" Sokka explained. His anger radiating off of him. Azula only smirked.

Aang tried to get him away but he only continued to interrogate her. Azula heard some noise and assumed this was Zuko betraying her father. "Oh, it sounds like the firebending is back on." Kicking her foot as blue flames escaped it, she pushed him back a bit. Kicking more of a harsh flame, she sent him farther and onto his stomach. Cracking the rock, she grabbed Kira's hand, kissing her cheek in reassurance. "Dad's all the way at the end of the hall and down the secret stairway on the left. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you now." Azula gripped Kira's hand escaping. Kira looked back, meeting Aang's eyes before running with Azula.

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