Chapter 10

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Alfies POV

After dinner Nina and Amber called a Sibuna meeting. we met in The girls room since Mick and Jerome were in ours.

"Okay so why did you and Amber call a meeting?" Eddie asked Nina.

"This is why." she said back walking over to a wall with a hand written arrow pointing down on it.

"Well I'm out" I said quickly and ran for the door but Eddie grabbed me and shut the door and turned me around.

"And I'm back in" I said and they continued.

"Okay so we opened up the floor boards and we found this box with another map in it." Nina said and Fabian took it out of her hand and examined it.

"Wait this isn't the one by the book shelf." He said quickly.

"I know. Where would it be though"she said.

"There's only one way to find out" Eddie said.

"Whoa. no no no. I'm tiered! Can we do this in the morning?" Patricia whimpered.

"Yeah me two I've had a long day" I said.

"And I need my beauty sleep." Amber agreed.

"Ugh fine! How about me,Fabian, and Eddie go tonight?" Nina asked.

"Yeah!" Patricia said.
"Fine bye me" I said.
"Okay. good luck" Amber said. she's so cute.

Ninas POV

At 11pm we waited for Victor to come up from the cellar and fall asleep. after he did so we went though the kitchen passage way to the cellar and came out though the entrance.

"Well Mr. Mean Green Fighting Machine as sure been up to something." Eddie laughed.

"Shh. now Fabian where is this?" I asked showing him the map.

"Well here is the door and so it's across from the door to the right" he said.
We walked over to where he said and it was by the fire place.

"Now what?" I asked in frustration.

"Look!" Eddie whisper screamed and bent down and as did me and Fabian.

"Is that..."

"Cleopatra...yes" Fabian finished. it was a stone molded graphic of her face in the lower part Of the wall.

"I wonder if.." I started and pushed the stone with my hand but nothing happened.

"Nina your locket!" Fabian said and I looked down and noticed my locket was glowing! The stone was glowing as well and then had glowing carvings above it shaping a door figure. After a few seconds went by it all stopped glowing and then it revealed a door with a golden door nob.
We opened the door and it revealed steps going down with lights going deeper into the tunnel.

"Should we?" I asked Eddie.

"Yeah let's do it" he agreed an we went down the steps with Eddie first, me second, and Fabian last. The door shut behind us and we all three looked at each other.

"We will figure it out later" I said and kept walking.

After walking down the steps we found it! The room from my dreams that I kept having.

"Eddie is this the room you dreamed about?" I swallowed.

"Yes. you?"

"Yeah." I said. we looked around for a little bit taking pictures of the walls with Egyptian Writing on them.
Me and Eddie circled the coffin that said "Here lies Cleopatra" on it deciding what to do.

"Should we open it?" I asked.

"Yeah come on Fabian Help." he said.

We pushed the top of it off revealing a mummy inside. and then we heard what sounded like Robert Frobisher Smyth on a recording.

"Here lies Cleopatra yes? But in order to find the treasure you seek, open up you heart to reveal the key."

Me and Fabian looked at each other with fear in our eyes.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"I don't know Nina but it will be okay." Fabian comforted.

"Okay guys let's just call it a night I'm getting kid of tiered." Eddie said.

"Okay" me and Fabian both agreed.

We went out the door and back into the cellar making sure you couldn't see the door, but when we closed it the nob disappeared and it looked like it did before.
After we got back upstairs I said goodnight to Fabian and gave him a kiss goodnight and sneaked passed Victor ,who woke, up and back to my room to go to bed.

So here is chapter 10! I hope you all enjoyed! And if anyone..anyone at all has any ideas they would like to see in the story please feel free to tell me! Thanks!

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