Chapter 13

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Maras POV

When I went into Mick's room it was awkward at first but I came around.

"So you still have a thing for me?" He asked me.

"Well seeing you kiss another girl makes me realize I still have feelings for you" I answered.

"Oh Mara I'm sorry. If it helps I won't do that again"

"No it's okay Mick. I just don't know what to do about Jereome. it's like I'm not good enough for him" I sniffled.

"No no no Mara your an amazing gal" he put his hand in my shoulder. "your smart, funny, a good singer, and your just so beautiful." He said.

"Really?" I blushed.

"Yeah definitely" he smiled. and at that moment he leaned in for a kiss and as I did the same and we shared a mind blowing kiss that was until...

"Mara?!" Jerome yelled walking through the door.

"Jerome" I said standing up.

"I-I can't believe you" he said with tears running down his face.

"Jerome I-" I tried to say but he walked out of the room slamming the door.

"Do u want me to talk to him?" Mick stood up and asked walking his way to the door.

"No. I have to talk to him alone" I said and opened the door and shut it going to find Jerome.

I went to his room but he wasn't there. I checked the kitchen and family room but still couldn't find him. I was walking my way up the stairs when I heard sniffling like someone was crying, it was coming from the coat closet. I opened the door to find Jerome sitting on the floor crying none stop.

"Jerome!" I ran to his side and closed the door behind me. "Jerome I'm so sorry! It was never meant to happen"

"Go away!" He yelled.

"Jerome please talk to me. I'm sorry"

"Mara you disappoint me! I trusted you! I thought you didn't have feelings for Mick." he yelled once more.

"I don't. listen we were studying and I was upset because of what happened at school with you and Joy. he was trying to make me feel better but he kissed me. it was never meant to happen." I stated briefly.

"What do you mean me and Joy?" He asked raising his head.

And at that moment it look me a few seconds to get my words together because they are very hard to say. "well at school I looked over and saw you two flirting together."

"We were not!" He yelled and stood to his feet and as did I.

"Jerome, yes you were. she was giggling And giving you puppy dog eyes and looking at you as you were her treat for doing a trick. "

"Maybe she was but I-"

"No Jerome. the worst part was looking at you look at her with a look I've never seen. I look that seemed like you were in love with her and looked like she was the only girl in your life. and you smiled with your teeth and that means you were in fact flirting Jerome. "

"Mara I'm so sorry. your right. I just don't know what came over myself. I was coming to talk to u about it when I saw you with Mick. I'm so sorry." And by him saying this I was fully in tears.
"No Mara don't cry. please don't cry" he pulled me into a hug.

I pulled away and wiped my tears. "what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well we can pretend like it didn't happen or-"

"Well we oveiously have for two different people" I said.

"Friends?" He asked putting out his hand.

"Friends." I said shaking his hand.
After that we both walked out of the closet and I went back to Micks room who was paging back and worth with I came in.

"Mara" he jumped. "I'm so very sorry about this"he said and I gave him a half smile.

"Don't be sorry" I said sitting on the bed and grabbing my book.

"What happened?" He asked sitting along beside me.

"We broke up. and no need to be sorry Mick. he had feelings for Joy and just wouldn't of worked out. but we are happier friends now. it's okay Mick"i said opening my book.

"Mara, I'm so sor-"

"Mick it's okay. I'm cool with it." I said shutting my book and grabbing my things. I got up and opened the door and left going strait to my room to cry.

Hey guys! Happy Valentines day! Haha I know this was a Mickra chapter but u know why not! So do u like that Mara isn't saying Jerome? Thanks for reading!

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