Chapter 18

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Nina's POV

I can't believe it! Fabian just kissed Cleo! Why me! First Joy now her! I was in a nearby class room hearing him call out my name but I didn't answer. For I didn't want to talk or even see him. I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a text from Eddie.

No ones POV
(Eddie=Bold/ Nina=italics. )

Nina what's wrong? Fabians looking for you. where are you? Fabian kissed Cleo!
Oh Nina I'm so sorry. where are you.
I'm not telling! Cause then you will tell him and bring him with you!
No I promise I won't!
Okay. I'm in the first class room on the left.
Okay I'm coming.
She put her phone away and waited. within seconds he arrived.

"Nina" he whispered and shut the door.

"Here" she said from behind the teachers desk.

"Nina!" He whispered screamed running over to her.
"Nina. I'm so sor-"

"Don't say it." she sobbed. "gosh I should of known then to come here and to trust him. First he forgets to even ask me to prom and now this!"

"Nina. It will be okay. Maybe it was an acsident." Eddie comforted.

"Yeah he fell on her lips!" She said with anger in her voice.

"Nina, it will be okay. Come on let's go back" he begged.

"No!" She shouted.

"Nina. please. you can hang out with me and Patricia and Amber. I promise I won't let you near him unless you say so." he begged even more.

"Okay fine! But I'm not dancing." he said. He got up and pulled her up along with him and stopped.
"And besides you can't waste such a goodnight with such a beautiful dress over a stupid guy." he said and she giggled and pulled her out into the hall way and back into the main room back to everyone else.

"Nina!" Amber shouted and came to give her a big hug. "Nina I heard and I totally beat his butt!"
Nina giggled a bit.

"Thanks Amber" She said looking around. She looked over to her right and saw Mick as Cleo yelling at each other. him with his hands up and hers crossed. 'wow' she thought.

Nina's POV

I was talking to Amber when...oh no... Fabian was coming toward me.

"Nina" he yelled coming up to hug me but Eddie got in between us.

"Leave her alone Fabian" he said.

"Nina Please. It was a accident. She kissed me but I don't know why" Fabian tried explaining.

"Nina? Wanna talk to him?" Eddie asked. but I shook my head no. "You heard her. she said no. now goodbye." Eddie said and Fabian had tears in his eyes. He ran away running probably into the boys bathroom but I just wanted to be left alone by him.

After that we talked for a bit until Amber went up to the stage grabbing a mike.

"Attention! Attention!" She said and everyone went quiet.
"Okay so now it's time to announce the king and queen of this years prom! So the votes are in..." Some of the guys were drumming on the edge of the stage. "the prom king is..." she opened one of the ballots. "..Eddie Miller!" She announced and everyone clapped as he went up there. He was so shocked!

"Now. This years prom queen is..." she opened another ballot. "Nina Martin!" She shouted.

What! WHAT!! WHAT!????!???!!?
I looked at all the other girls and there mouths dropped! I walked up there and she laid the crown on my head.

"This years prom King and Queen everybody!" Amber announced. She ordered us to go in the middle of the floor and dance. and we did so.
He held my hand all the way and put his arms around my waist and if put mine around his neck as the music began to play "love story" by Taylor swift.

We danced back and worth to the music and I could just see Patricia wasn't happy.

I looked back at Eddie who was smiling at me.

'I wish I could kiss her' I heard him said but in his mind.

'You know I can read your mind' I said smiling. He laughed in his head.

'I know. I wanted you to hear.' he said.

'Haha okay' I said back laughing out loud.

'Nina I need to tell you something' he choked.


'I love you. But idk what to do about it. I saw you come down the stairs, with this beautiful dress, and I thought you were the most beautiful being I've ever seen. I just thought i should tell you' he said in his mind giving me puppy dog eyes.

'Eddie I love you to! But your with Patricia. I'm kind of with Fabian. And aren't you sure it's not just your Orsirian senses' I thought.

'Im possitive' he said.

At that moment I didn't know what quite to do. I had this urge to kiss him. I tried to control myself but it was no used.

"Eddie I..." I said out loud.

I leaned in and kissed him for 3 seconds and then I pushed Away and the song stopped and it was dead silent.

"I'm so sorry" I said and ran out of the room.
I knew everyone was watching. I knew that Fabian was hurt. I knew Patricia would kill me. But I couldn't control it!
I ran away! But this time back to the house and down to the cellar, going into the mask chamber and sitting there sobbing.
Sup guys!

So tell me! What did you think?! Please please comment lol!
So like what are Fabinas chance on getting back together?

Or what about Neddie😉 aye aye. ? Haha
Hope you guys are enjoying reading! The follow Are bullet points on what will be coming up soon:


•tragic heart break



•Cleo's revenge

So that last one huh?(:^^
Hope you guys are reading! And please please comment! Thanks!

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